Recent content by a2medsurfer

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    Sinus problems when vaping. Anyone else get this?

    Guess this is a good location to post this... I was a heavy combuster for about the last 3.5 years, about 4-7 grams per week of high grade indoors. I've always had some off and on seasonal type allergies, but recently over the past month I've been having soreness in my sinus areas, primarily...
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    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    I'm using a Phire beaker bottom bong with my surfer, guess you guys aren't reading too closely, there is ZERO particles getting through there I'm pretty confident of that.
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    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Yeah I do notice that the aftermath of the coughing from taking a real big pull on the bong hooked to the SSV isn't nearly as bad as the aftermath from a coughing fit smoking out of my bubbler or a traditional dry spoon. Although I've probably never smoked more than about 30 packs of squares...
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    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Yeah man thanks, my cousin was living out in Denver for about the last 4 years and had experience with some surfers and was saying it was the way to go, as well as my research. To be honest I'm really not looking to abandon combusting altogether, but I've been going too hard on it for too long...
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    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    So you think I'm just experiencing some kinda dryness issue?
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    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Hey there everyone, just recently pulled the trigger and invested in a SSV after doing a bit of research, looking like i made the right move :nod: Anyhow, non cigarette smoker here, been combusting steadily and heavily the last 3 years, off and on prior to that, was blazing from a few spoons...
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