Recent content by 1973PortlandToker

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    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    Stu, My initial reply was to someone who called Elon Musk a Nazi. That is not nice. It is insulting and false, but it was within his right to speak. My response was to defend Musk's decision because we should all have the right of freedom of speech. Some people got offended. Some used the...
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    Do you like coffee?

    That's easy to fix. Inform your friend that ground coffee can contain up to 10 percent cockroach litter. The FDA allows up to 10 percent insect litter in ground coffee, including cockroach bodies (and roach turds). I'm not joking. The solution is to buy whole beans and grind them...
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    Cannabis News

    Them thar pot smokin' ARkansans bettuh pick up and move to ARKansas which has a better chance of making pot smokin' hippies legal than retARdans too brain damaged Jethro sippin' whiskey from thar neighbor's copper still.
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    Music from the mid 60's to late 70's (when creative genius reigned..)

    With the exception of perhaps Nirvana (some grunge is good), music died in the 90s. C-rap killed it.
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    heavy hitter vs weak hitter vaporizer for health

    That's the downside of vaping. I have two wonderful units, a walnut Vapman and an Airvape Legacy Pro. Most hits are mild, but when the draw starts to get thick I often cough. That's not good. Initially I thought I could minimize this by coating my throat with honey, but it's the lungs that...
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    I know what you mean. So warm, so radiant, so nice to touch and hold. Yes, my Vapman is female. Vapgal? Waiting for her to tell me her name.
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    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Use that wonderful instrument in your avatar.
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    That seems to mean you don't feel that wonderful glowing warmth from the core of the wood, like when you hold it in your hands. Especially on these chilly nights (and days), that warmth is so welcome and feels soooooo good.
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    What does it do? I see there are five settings. For what? Maybe it sings you a tune, and that's the volume control.
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    What is a station?
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    What books are you reading?

    Homo Ecophagus: A Deep Diagnosis to Save the Earth (Rutledge 2022).
  12. 1

    Random thoughts

    We hear that all the time. The Fed is "trying to force a recession" by increasing interest rates. Yes, a recession may result from higher interest rates. But that's not the purpose. There is no easy fix to the runaway inflation that's impoverishing all of us. We are still in runaway...
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    Random thoughts

    After last week's CPI numbers came out, the deadhead media proclaimed that inflation is over. What were the numbers? October inflation was 7.7 percent higher than last October. The market rallied. Really??? Inflation continues to rage out of control. 7 percent inflation is not...
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    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    No surprise here.
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