VerdaVap - An analogue butane powered ball vape, designed for use in a water pipe.


Active Member
On board and ordered.

I'm stoked to put it to use, that video was pretty impressive! What a great use for that hookah pump too
You're awesome mate! I've really been blown away with the enthusiasm and support that has been given to this project!

It really has pushed me to give it my all. This is just the beginning!

The hookah pump.... I've actually began using it pretty regularly, it's kind of nice but I am not super happy with it being plastic. It's also pretty large. I think a more compact, and metal version is on the cards for a future project for me to tackle.


Well-Known Member
Everything is pre-order now. Any (estimated) ETA for the next batch?

The $175 scared me off, but then realized it's AUD. $115 US sounds good!
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Well-Known Member
G'day party people!

The VerdaVap presale is live on the first batch of 100 units! Stock started off at 60* Meranti (dark), and 40* Rose Gum (light).

Almost half the Meranti are sold out already, and there are about ~30 Rose gum left.

Will be posting to r/vaporents tomorrow, for the first time ever. Will be interesting to see what they think!

I posted an announcement video to r/ausents today.... You guys might enjoy the video too!

When will you have the stem/adapter in the store?


Active Member
When will you have the stem/adapter in the store?
The stem will be a while off, that's a project on its own. The 8mm stem adapter should be available relatively soon, which will allow you to use it with any dynavap stem. I've had a couple of QA issues with it so just need to figure that out, when I get the time hahaha.
Everything is pre-order now. Any (estimated) ETA for the next batch?

The $175 scared me off, but then realized it's AUD. $115 US sounds good!
Preorder is still up for batch 1, not sold out yet. I'm expecting to ship them out within a month or so from now. Batch 2, not sure yet a few months away likely.

Yeah hahahaha I think that scared a few people off initially hahahaha! I've got Jill to update the price to clearly say its AUD now 😂


Well-Known Member
@VerdaVap I probably should've asked this before I ordered, but I only thought of it with the recent questions about stems.

This is the same size as a 14mm male piece, yeah? It's going to fit into most bong stems?


Pranayama; of a sort.
I'm expecting to ship them out within a month or so from now
How are the final challenge's coming along? Do you think you will offer a 14-18.8mm adapter (made of the same wood maybe)? Do you have any other accessories your thinking of making for the device in the works? Do you think you'll have any of those accessories available at the time of fulfilling the pre-sale orders?


Pranayama; of a sort.
Would you consider letting pre-orderers choose which of the designs they want?

I think I like the "1.5 version" with the thread (rather than adhesive) much better, it feels like it would be more durable.
The new design has included a bunch of feedback from the beta testers and looks like a better way forwards imo


Well-Known Member
Would you consider letting pre-orderers choose which of the designs they want?

I think I like the "1.5 version" with the thread (rather than adhesive) much better, it feels like it would be more durable.
It started off pretty clever and just gets more so. The redesign looks really great.


Well-Known Member
I love the threading instead of adhesive for the wood around the vapor path! I always worry about wood cracking, and this way, users can easily replace the wood rather than having to, like, order a whole new vapor path rod with wood glued on.


Well-Known Member
The new design has included a bunch of feedback from the beta testers and looks like a better way forwards imo

The "left hand thread" on the ball chamber looks pretty ingenious after reading about "ball spillage" in the Tempest thread. I imagine that's a pretty cool idea that's come from beta testers.


Pranayama; of a sort.
The "left hand thread" on the ball chamber looks pretty ingenious after reading about "ball spillage" in the Tempest thread. I imagine that's a pretty cool idea that's come from beta testers.
There's a bunch of other feedback that's being worked on in @VerdaVap 's own way; like different airflow options to try and cater for high flow direct to lung using the stock WPA in a water pipe - but also a 8mm adapter, wooden stem and a low flow/MTL option - I think as different caps as opposed to a single adjustable airflow - but as the engineer himself, VerdaVap has his own spin.


Well-Known Member
This looks absolutely gorgeous - like some sort of industrial Lotus. Right up my alley. Locally made is a nice bonus!

How does it fare on a j-hook?


Pranayama; of a sort.
This looks absolutely gorgeous - like some sort of industrial Lotus. Right up my alley. Locally made is a nice bonus!

How does it fare on a j-hook?
I have a video of me using the prototype with a J-hook somewhere, I'll see if I still have it.

This is an old video.

I deconstructed OG prototype I received the end of last year, I added a WPA and handle so I could use it in different ways than the prototype allowed.

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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the video man - looks like it performs nicely! The Bundy bottle prototype is a classic too.

...and just like that I've ordered one lol. Both versions look amazing, but the redgum takes the cake I reckon. Can't wait to see it in person 😁


Pranayama; of a sort.
Thanks for the video man - looks like it performs nicely! The Bundy bottle prototype is a classic too.

...and just like that I've ordered one lol. Both versions look amazing, but the redgum takes the cake I reckon. Can't wait to see it in person 😁
sells itself - I also prefer the redgum despite myself (everything else I have is black except one revolve sleeve)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the video man - looks like it performs nicely! The Bundy bottle prototype is a classic too.

...and just like that I've ordered one lol. Both versions look amazing, but the redgum takes the cake I reckon. Can't wait to see it in person 😁
Slightly off topic, but I'm never gonna be okay with people calling the soft drinks "bundy". Can't even mix it with coke!


Well-Known Member
Slightly off topic, but I'm never gonna be okay with people calling the soft drinks "bundy". Can't even mix it with coke!
Hahaha, you know I was literally thinking about that as I typed it. Couldn't think of what else to call it 😂
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