Vaping and hyponatremia

Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
Due to the increased fluid intake with flower vaping has anyone been drinking too much water/liquids and had symptoms or concerns about developing hyponatremia?

I’m sure with people using a vape as a daily driver and flavor chasing all day this must be something someone had encountered. I can understand the reluctance about this topic yet it seems like a realistic probability.
Truth Seeker,
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Comfortably Numb

Well-Known Member
Due to the increased fluid intake with flower vaping has anyone been drinking too much water/liquids and had symptoms or concerns about developing hyponatremia?

I’m sure with people using a vape as a daily driver and flavor chasing all day this must be something someone had encountered. I can understand the reluctance about this topic yet it seems like a realistic probability.
I know I gotta pee a lot....

I had to look it up...and I am interested as I am older and can relate to a lot of the symptoms but those same symptoms can be caused by several things. I go out of my way to avoid added salt in my diet also.
If anything most of us probably don't drink enough fluids while vaping.
Comfortably Numb,
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Well-Known Member
Due to the increased fluid intake with flower vaping has anyone been drinking too much water/liquids and had symptoms or concerns about developing hyponatremia?

I’m sure with people using a vape as a daily driver and flavor chasing all day this must be something someone had encountered. I can understand the reluctance about this topic yet it seems like a realistic probability.
This condition is normally associated with athletes who have drunken multiple gallons of water in a few hours. A couple of glasses of water while vaping is nowhere near this scenario. We are safe.

Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
This condition is normally associated with athletes who have drunken multiple gallons of water in a few hours. A couple of glasses of water while vaping is nowhere near this scenario. We are safe.
Yes, I agree. Yet I am concerned about chronic dehydration and the overconsumption of H2O as a result of flower vaping and excessive dryness. Anyone that has consumed a lot of liquids over a period of time very well could have a lower sodium read on a lab test. It is very hard for someone just to take one to three inhalations of a dry herb vape. Medicinally that should be all one would need yet many folks vape all day every day. Dr Sulak’s recommendation for taking one inhalation and waiting five minutes is very sound advice.

Possibly a vape like the silver surfer with the ball attachment could allow someone to cut back on inhalation’s due to the amount of vapor they receive from doing a RAW dab. This is probably much better than sucking on a tube of dry hot air trying to reach your own state mellowness.
Truth Seeker,

Grass Yes

Staff member
Do you think vapers consume more water and lose more sodium than smokers? Have you ever heard of a single case of someone drinking too much water, outside of a marathon, and having developing hyponatremia? Of course you haven't. It's absurd.

Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
Do you think vapers consume more water and lose more sodium than smokers? Have you ever heard of a single case of someone drinking too much water, outside of a marathon, and having developing hyponatremia? Of course you haven't. It's absurd.
I’ve had a lower sodium read, and it’s due to drinking H2O and Starbucks iced coffee.
That’s why I’m cognizant of the fact that dry flower vaping can cause dehydration and possible overconsumption of fluids. Even if the numbers are just outliers, the possibility is there.
Truth Seeker,

Grass Yes

Staff member
I’ve had a lower sodium read, and it’s due to drinking H2O and Starbucks iced coffee.
That’s why I’m cognizant of the fact that dry flower vaping can cause dehydration and possible overconsumption of fluids. Even if the numbers are just outliers, the possibility is there.
I strongly disagree. Given that you were monitoring your sodium levels, I suspect there is more to the story. Perhaps an age-related condition?
Grass Yes,


Well-Known Member
If you are drinking that much water, I'd be more concerned about the possibility of diabetes than vaping. Frequent urination (caused by drinking a lot of liquids) is one of the early symptoms.

I don't think I drink much more when/after vaping than other times. Though it does make red wine and beer even more delicious.


Well-Known Member
It just takes a look at the wikipedia entry of "hyponatremia": there are different stages of it: do you happen/ed to have nausea, difficulty walking straight, experience/d visual allucinations? Seems you don't/didn't, even if you had that low sodium read, and that's because you as any other vaper are very far from full blown hyponatremia.
But yes, if you had it, vaping and not drinking wouldn't help for sure. Like if giving weed to someone who already suffers from visual allucination from low sodium intake would help.
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Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
This is ridiculous. You could vape away all the time all day long, and it wouldn't dehydrate you.

What are we even talking about?!?


No thoughts, head empty
I’ve had a lower sodium read, and it’s due to drinking H2O and Starbucks iced coffee.
Makes sense with the iced coffee since caffeine is a vasodilator and diuretic, and when I worked at The Siren the official recipe had us make drip coffee, ice it then add water when serving but we’d skip that last step since customers preferred the higher caffeine. We’d also do the same with cold brew which is MUCH more concentrated than the iced coffee.

More directly to the point, I drink roughly half a gallon of water per day (1-4 fills of my 1 litre bottle) and usually just add an additional litre over an hour or 2 when I have weed. Unless you have some other complications or vulnerability towards water intoxication, it’d be very difficult to reach the ld50 of ~2L per hour for several hours even with the mildly increased thirst caused by weed. Nothing’s impossible of course, but it’s pretty unlikely with only weed in the equation unless you were already drinking dangerous amounts of water before smoking/vaping.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I agree. Yet I am concerned about chronic dehydration and the overconsumption of H2O as a result of flower vaping and excessive dryness. Anyone that has consumed a lot of liquids over a period of time very well could have a lower sodium read on a lab test. It is very hard for someone just to take one to three inhalations of a dry herb vape. Medicinally that should be all one would need yet many folks vape all day every day. Dr Sulak’s recommendation for taking one inhalation and waiting five minutes is very sound advice.

Possibly a vape like the silver surfer with the ball attachment could allow someone to cut back on inhalation’s due to the amount of vapor they receive from doing a RAW dab. This is probably much better than sucking on a tube of dry hot air trying to reach your own state mellowness.
Please don't restrict your water intake due to these intrusive thoughts. That is far more likely to do you harm than a few glasses of water. There is no realistic connection between vaping, and the water consumed during vaping, and health threatening electrolyte imbalance. Talk to your doctor if you have doubts.


Agent Provocateur
You gotta drink a boatload of water to alter your sodium labs . I would be more concerned about diabetes as @chillAtGVC pointed out .


Truth Seeker

Well-Known Member
I do find THC itself to be very dehydrating even when taken in oral form. A slightly lower sodium read can happen from overconsumption of liquids but assays are different from each lab. My lower sodium reading last year was most likely from ice coffee and chasing it with water but it was fine when lab work was done from a different doctor. Vaping cannabis does seem to cause me more of a dehydration than smoking it does and it seems to linger. Probably relatively harmless in the overall view of things! To quote a wise man “you can never be too paranoid”…… maybe that guy’s wisdom is a bit debatable unless he was a gangster or underworld figure!

Thank you everyone for your replies, I really learned quite a bit!
Always very good discourses it take place at the forum, the sports such a proper name!
Truth Seeker,
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