Random thoughts


Well-Known Member
So I made a very bad decision. I bought a Ninja Creami ice cream maker. I'm going to balloon to 300 lbs. I can make great ice cream with sugar-free instant chocolate pudding: I'm in heaven. I can make sorbet with a can of peaches in fruit juice, or pineapple. It make cool slushy drinks. I made some infused Crystal Light slushy at about 100 mg THC. Bad Bill. Bad. They were at Costco for $180: they are way more everywhere else.
Haha…i almost bought one of those monday….i am glad i didnt apparently.


Well-Known Member

I'm playing Fallout New Vegas for the first time. A game that was developed during the Bush Administration. It's woke as hell. Way more DEI than anything that's come out recently. It's also of a higher quality than most modern games.

Gaming today doesn't suck because of Wokeness. It sucks because video game companies are now all run by Money Men who only care about making the stock price go up. That's why Call of Duty 25 sucks. It's not because of women and black people.

Baldur's Gate 3 (another super Woke game) was an enormous success because they didn't have to worry about shareholders.

People like Elon also blame Boeing's current woes on their refusal to only hire straight white men. But it's the same problem as video games. Boeing used to be run by Engineers. Now it's run by Money Men. Cutting corners, in the short term, make the share price go up.

There's a term for blaming the failures of capitalism on racial minorities. Fascism.

Speaking of the failures of capitalism. It's very funny that the 2nd richest guy on Earth is a publicly angry, sad, and bitter Fox News watcher. That's the prize for winning this game?


Well-Known Member
Got random email from a gallery today about a Jason Christian glass yo-yo "drop"

Random Radical Reticello, mandala-like


New design, I chose the one at left. Gallery owner told me it's his newest and still at his studio, he would ship direct to me. Think I'll get a JC moodmat or candy with my order?

short vid of another yo-yo build:


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Us Americans be like: "I finally finished my 60-hour work week in time to get drunk and forget that my life is a never ending unrewarding capitalistic hellhole cycle...until Monday, because I'm a hard worker".

Yay? :tinfoil:


Well-Known Member
Indiana University


If you ever find yourself looking through a sniper rifle scope at unarmed teenagers, it's probably time to hit the reset button on your whole fuckin life. You made a real wrong turn somewhere, man.

So what's the etiquette here? Are you supposed to tip your Campus Protestor Sniper? We didn't have these when I was in school so I'm not sure. What's fair, 15%? Shit, no wonder college is so expensive these days :disgust:

These pigs are so fucking dumb and bad at their jobs it's amazing. It's that easy to sneak up on one of their snipers? Kids playing Fortnite have better combat awareness than the Meal Team 6 member here.
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(zombie) Woof.
Headed here shortly:
I haven't been to a big flea market type event in I can't remember how long... lookin for a decent pair of bookshelf speakers (cheaper than the $300 pair of B&W CM1 I looked at yesterday)... 👀:tup::peace:

Edit: See:

Still a pretty sweet deal regardless of how much I wanna spend... :cuss:

Edit2: Boston Acoustic HD9 in MINT shape w/stands and monster cable for $50...whaddya think? 🤔 :

And Paradigm sub also in MINT shape ($30):

Both were $300 new... Everything's 1/2 price tomorrow....!
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Well-Known Member
An excerpt from Nixonland by Rick Perlstein about the Kent State massacre:

According to Gallup, 58% of Americans blamed the students for their own deaths. Only 11% blamed the National Guard.

We are the United States of Amnesia, we learn nothing because we remember nothing.
-Gore Vidal
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