How many TRUE combustion-fuckers?

How many TRUE combustion-fuckers?

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Tokin' Away Since 1968
@Ramahs ,@Annienen , @Morty
'To each their own' and 'it's a matter of degree' all that stuff, but your recent comments reminded me of this, from the Resource forum; may or may not be new info for you.

"High" means different things to different people, for sure. Some use the term to mean drunk on alcohol!
I happen to prefer hands-down the effects (and taste!) from vaping canna over smoking, and they can be plenty strong enough for me. I smoked canna for about 45 years, now for about 5-1/2, I only vape.

with the bonus that my eyeballs don't turn red!

Cheers and Happy New Year!
I'm throwing the 2020 calendar in the fire, and will enjoy watching THAT combust!
I'm strictly a vaper, but my God do my eyes turn bright bloodshot after-the-volcano-sunset red if I'm vaping good flower or strong concentrates. Sometimes when I head in to brush my teeth before bed and if I look in the mirror(I try not to!) I'm actually shocked at how bloodshot my eyes are. I thought it was my long-time evening routine of having a strong ale or two with my weed, but I got gout last summer and have cut way back on the booze. So its just the cannavaping giving me those eyes.

I too smoked cannabis for somewhere around 45 years--some 50 plus years for cigarettes, mostly Lucky Strikes. Quit cigs 7 years ago and not had even one since. Quit smoking weed and started vaping 6 years ago. Had maybe ten puffs of a j or pipe in those six years, all with one of my closest buddies, just to be sociable. And I could tell the next morning. Even a toke or two and I'll be coughing and wheezing. Still its amazing to me that after all those years of smoking cigs and js I'm still an agressive uphill bike rider and xc skier, with strong lungs and strong heart.


Well-Known Member
I fucked combusting in 2014, and now I've damn near fucked vaping. 98% of my medicating is now through medibles. :brow:

I can, if I want, stay medicated all day and night on 70-80 mg of cannabinoids.

.08 grams!

An average one gram bud should have about 150 mg of cannabinoids. So, if desired, I can stay high/buzzed/ medicated 24 + hours on 1/2 gram of average bud.

Don't take this the wrong way, it's not the money, or lack of access to great buds, I still love vaping. I have a shit ton of money invested in vapes. I bought my volcano in 2009.

I'm just questioning whether vaping vaping is important enough to have to use an asthma inhaler just to vape.


Tokin' Away Since 1968
I'm just questioning whether vaping is important enough to have to use an asthma inhaler just to vape.

I'm with you bro. I had horrible asthma as a kid and was addicted to inhalers into my twenties, in part because I'd become a cigarette smoker. But by my mid-twenties, most of the asthma was gone, even though I smoked Luckies and pot. In part this was because after being a fat asthmatic kid, I discovered that I loved very active outdoor exercise: jogging, biking, mtn climbing, skiing, snowshoeing, etc. Still, after all those years of smoking, even having quit now for 7 and 6 years respectively, I get wheezing and out of breath after an evening of vaping. It never gets that bad, but the wheezing can keep me awake at night. To try to mitigate the impact of putting foreign substances in my lungs, I use a double perc bubbler with another perc on an ash catcher and sometimes use a charcoal filter. But loving those milky hits has a price. Fortunately, typically a day or two with edibles and a couple of strenuous exercise sessions clears everything right up. But as I get older, foot problems keep me from exercising as often or as vigorously. A couple of months ago I felt the need to buy an over the counter asthma inhaler. Thank God I've only felt the need to use it exactly once. But as my ability to exercise declines, I'm really concerned about my ability to keep vaping. I much prefer vaping to edibles for numerous reasons. But I've got a nice stash of frozen edibles and RSO for when my lungs won't take it anymore.
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I quit combusting over 3 years ago.
Never was a cigarette smoker but smoked joints(tabacco+cannabis) for almost 8 years.
I got introduced to the mighty vaporiser at a party.
Being fed up with the negative effects of smoking I started looking for 'vaporiser' and eventually bought a mighty to.
When I first hit the device with a full fresh bowl of tasty kush I was sold immediately.
After that I tried hitting a joint again with friends just to find it very disgusting.
Fucking combustion was one of my best decisions ever.
I find myself enjoying taste, aromas from herb material much more and where I used to consume an ounce a week I now consume an ounce a month.
Am very grateful ive seen the light!


New Member
There is just no need to smoke now with the level of vape available. It’s actually counterproductive at least for me.

I’d smoked for years before I even heard of vaporizing. If I’d found some of these newer devices first I might be curious if smoke was better so take it from someone who smoked all day daily, for years a lot.

Good vape with the right techniques gets you higher easier with way less negatives.

Now if I could just cut back vape with edibles more...


New Member
Not long been vaping, so im still in a transition.

I do vape mostly because I'm enjoying watching my AVB jar grow, but I enjoy the routine of a blunt, preparing, rolling, watching it burn, even the ashtray flick.
Im putting it down to being around a great grandpa who had a pipe, and I can remember being in awe watching it all on the kitchen table and being cleaned and smoked, and parents who smoked, even though I was told it was a bad.

I do hope that I will end this year without wanting or needing to combust, and rely just on the vape


Old & In the Way
Not long been vaping, so im still in a transition.
I do hope that I will end this year without wanting or needing to combust, and rely just on the vape
I encourage and applaud transition!
It can maybe be done faster with a clean break. After a couple of sans-combustion vape-only weeks, the taste of smoke is far less pleasant.


New Member
I encourage and applaud transition!
It can maybe be done faster with a clean break. After a couple of sans-combustion vape-only weeks, the taste of smoke is far less pleasant.
Thank you!

Truth be told I have looked at a tolerance break, minimum of 21 days I think I would need, but during that time I could concentrate my efforts on using the smok to get off tobacco completely 🤔
My only trouble is what else do I do during the day if I can't go to the bat-shed and blow clouds 🤣


Well-Known Member
Modnote: 4 back-to-back posts merged.

I got my first dry herb vape about 8 years ago. I immediately preferred over combustion, and have been combustion free ever since.
First vape was a plug in called. Vapolution 2 I is what I got. So beautiful and simple. First time vaping was and still is incredible.
2012,11 f in years ago. Just blows my mind.

First vape was a plug in called. Vapolution 2 I is what I got. So beautiful and simple. First time vaping was and still is incredible.
2012,11 f in years ago. Just blows my mind.
Sorry,vape for 9 years not 11.

I'm strictly a vaper, but my God do my eyes turn bright bloodshot after-the-volcano-sunset red if I'm vaping good flower or strong concentrates. Sometimes when I head in to brush my teeth before bed and if I look in the mirror(I try not to!) I'm actually shocked at how bloodshot my eyes are. I thought it was my long-time evening routine of having a strong ale or two with my weed, but I got gout last summer and have cut way back on the booze. So its just the cannavaping giving me those eyes.

I too smoked cannabis for somewhere around 45 years--some 50 plus years for cigarettes, mostly Lucky Strikes. Quit cigs 7 years ago and not had even one since. Quit smoking weed and started vaping 6 years ago. Had maybe ten puffs of a j or pipe in those six years, all with one of my closest buddies, just to be sociable. And I could tell the next morning. Even a toke or two and I'll be coughing and wheezing. Still its amazing to me that after all those years of smoking cigs and js I'm still an agressive uphill bike rider and xc skier, with strong lungs and strong heart.
Lucky stripes. Hardcore smoke from the good ol days. 76 grad.

Basically it would take a blackout and dead battery to get me to burn again. I've had no problem passing a J without hitting. Just seems filthy now.
I started vape,as I've a few times,cause I got sick of the smell. After 40 yrs combuti g I couldn't take smell anymore
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Well-Known Member
I actually can't believe my old smoking habit looking back on it, I was smoking cigarettes and 4+ ounces a month, got a mighty in September of last year and an ecig shortly after and haven't combusted since! My appreciation for weed has grown immensely and I've gotten into cbd which was never on my radar.
Now I have 9 or 10 vaporisers and couldn't imagine rolling a joint out of my own bud and smoking it, seems like such a waste!


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
25 years smoking joints (baccy + weed or hasch)... Started vaping last november, instant love, never came back to combustion.

Welcome to the club, friend!

big lebowski dancing GIF by Jake
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Funny how my answer to this question/thread has evolved over the years...

I was just transitioning into exclusively vaping when this thread started, but had not quite snubbed the habit.

At some point 2-3 years ago, after years of exclusively vaping, something clicked and I can no longer cheat on a joint. Every time I have tried over the last few years, I immediately throw up :puke:.

Does anyone else have an immediate barf reaction when combusting?

I can detect all the little nuances of flavor within a vapor profile and it is heavenly, I can taste the slightest differeces between strains... then I can try the same gorgeous herbs in a joint and all I taste is smoke, shit, and tar. They all taste equally ruined and shitty when burned.


Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
Funny how my answer to this question/thread has evolved over the years...

I was just transitioning into exclusively vaping when this thread started, but had not quite snubbed the habit.

At some point 2-3 years ago, after years of exclusively vaping, something clicked and I can no longer cheat on a joint. Every time I have tried over the last few years, I immediately throw up :puke:.

Does anyone else have an immediate barf reaction when combusting?

I can detect all the little nuances of flavor within a vapor profile and it is heavenly, I can taste the slightest differeces between strains... then I can try the same gorgeous herbs in a joint and all I taste is smoke, shit, and tar. They all taste equally ruined and shitty when burned.

I still occasionally combust when I am out and about, and a joint/pipe/bong hit is offered. It doesn't make me want to vomit or anything. I much prefer vapor though.

And to add to that...I normally have a vape with me almost all the time. And if my friends are combusting, I will normally turn it down and pull out my own vape to hit if I have one. So it's extremely rare that I partake in smoking. Maybe once or twice a year.


Well-Known Member
I clicked "completely fucked", though it may be aspirational. I started vaping at home in 2007, but I kept burning everywhere else until about five years ago, as portable vapes became more viable. Since then, I've only smoked when offered (very rarely) or when I become overwhelmed with nostalgia for spinning and burning a fattie.

However, it's been about a year since I rolled one for old times' sake, and the last time I did that all I got out of it was disappointment and couch lock. I don't see myself doing that again, and events of the past year have killed the puff-puff-pass tradition, so I may be done combusting for good. Like @Ramahs, these days I'll pull out a vape to join in a session circle, next time I see that many people gathered together.

The biggest factor, though, is gear, specifically a Simrell with a Fluxer IH. Austyn said he was trying to match the experience of smoking a joint with the Vortex, and he exceeded that goal. It's not surprising I was jonesing for a joint when I was using other vapes. For instance, a Mighty can produce some pretty good vapor, but the experience is diminished by holding a device that feels like it came from a 1992 Radio Shack.


Westchester, NY
Funny how my answer to this question/thread has evolved over the years...

I was just transitioning into exclusively vaping when this thread started, but had not quite snubbed the habit.

At some point 2-3 years ago, after years of exclusively vaping, something clicked and I can no longer cheat on a joint. Every time I have tried over the last few years, I immediately throw up :puke:.

Does anyone else have an immediate barf reaction when combusting?

I can detect all the little nuances of flavor within a vapor profile and it is heavenly, I can taste the slightest differeces between strains... then I can try the same gorgeous herbs in a joint and all I taste is smoke, shit, and tar. They all taste equally ruined and shitty when burned.

Not immediate but I 100% get a "sick" feeling from combusting. I've actually always had a very thin line with combustion between good time and bad time, the vape-buffer zone seems to be much bigger for me.

But now that bad-time line with combustion is basically one or two hits. Not enjoyable at all for me anymore and my friends "make fun" of me for declining the joints being passed around... but whatever I dont use to impress anybody else I use in a way that works for me and I enjoy

Last time I accidentally combusted was when I first got my vapbong. Was definitely borderline vomit there and felt very ill for a little while until it wore off. Honestly sucked


Well-Known Member
I had completely fucked combustion for 1 year and 8 months with an E-Nano and an Arizer Solo 2 until Saturday. I had this sort of tense feeling, and from out of nowhere the urge to roll and smoke a joint appeared. I did just that, and I was immediately hit with a burning throat, a disgusting taste in my mouth and a really weird high feeling -I normally get very talkative and motivated by vaporized flower but this made me feel glued to the lawnchair I smoked in and talking felt too hard. I realized exactly why I hate smoking. Everything smelled too and I ended up tossing the joint because the rest of the weed smelled like smoke and didn't taste good vaped. Ended up cleaning out my bongs cause I vaporized a small bit of the flower from the joint and they smelled like smoke.

I don't plan to smoke again.


(zombie) Woof.
If I ever combust with flower it's only to be polite in the company of friends... which is pretty rare these days.

Edit: although I did do a few rips last weekend with my daughter in the dew drop rig just to checkout the flower bowl function that came with the goo roo... so I guess that includes family, too... :uhoh:
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