Insights on a first vape, do I get a Roffu or straight in with a Tinymight2?


New Member

So I've not smoked in a few years, I initially stopped when I wanted to stop smoking cigarettes (at the time my joints were half and half), and as vaping wasn't as much of a thing in my country then I just decided to jack it all in. Thing is, now that vaping is much more mainstream and far healthier than all the alternatives, I would much rather have a herb vape than my usual knocking back booze on a Friday night. It's cheaper, healthier, and in all honesty I've missed it.

Anyway, I've done a bit of reading on Reddit and from the looks of it the two that I like the look of best that seem to get universal praise for the requirements I have are the XLux Roffu and the Tinymight 2. I'm not one for a ton of unnecessary bells and whistles, all I want is an on demand vape that is simple to use and does the basics well that I can carry around in my backpack on a weekend (seeing as herb isn't particularly welcome where I live, one that keeps any scents contained within the vape best would be very preferable).

Anyway, like I said, after reading around those two seem to fit the bill the best. From what I can gather the Tinymight 2 is the gold standard for on demand, does everything really well and requires very little cleaning and maintenance (which I like), whereas the Roffu is still decent in most areas, just not as A* as the Tiny, but obviously, like 40% the price. Thing is I don't want to get the Roffu and then regret not just getting the Tiny from the get go.

So, my hope here is that I can get some of you experts weighing in on which way I should go, preferably someone who owns both and can summarise them, and also any small annoyances they may have with each device? Or, if you have any other suggestions of things I could consider I'm all ears.

Hopefully this is a bespoke and specific enough question to not just get flamed as a "new guy asks which vape they should buy". So yeah, looking for an on demand that does the basics well, doesn't need anything fancy, preferably little maintenance/cleaning and ideally one that won't sit in my bag as I'm out and about radiating like eau de Buju Banton.

Thank you.


New Member
You can’t go wrong with either.

Get them both.
I would if I could but I'm really trying to budget as best I can to pay for some home improvements, I mean I'm not in poverty or anything, just trying to be careful should anything unexpected come up.

Why do so many people seem to own a bunch of different vapes anyway? I love music and gaming so I bought a pair of Audeze Maxwells to provide decent sound for both of these, but I don't feel the need to have 5 pairs of headphones; what's the story with vapes?
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Well-Known Member
Haven't tried either of those two devices. So I won't say anything about that. However, a few things: You seem to be much more informed than I was when I first decided on a herb vaporizer. It seems there is a great chance vaping is going to become a part of your life, a hobby if you want to call it like that. That said: Vaping won't be cheaper than e.g. smoking if you catch a serious case of VAS (Vaporizer Acquisition Syndrome). If you really like vaping, you will probably buy a second or third device some day. Why? You will taste even slightest differences between the devices and you will appreciate that your taste buds are able do that. And, perhaps you are the kind of person who is not satisfied with mediocrity. I don't know, just keep in mind, that you will probably spend more money later anyway if you are not 100% satisfied or if you want to explore more. And sometimes it is correct to assume that if you buy cheap, you buy twice. In short: buy high quality, it is worth it.


Well-Known Member
I would if I could but I'm really trying to budget as best I can to pay for some home improvements, I mean I'm not in poverty or anything, just trying to be careful should anything unexpected come up.
Then get the roffu. If you wanna/can spend more, then the TM2.
Why do so many people seem to own a bunch of different vapes anyway?
VAS is real and it is a struggle.


New Member
Then get the roffu. If you wanna/can spend more, then the TM2.

VAS is real and it is a struggle.
I'm not like that to be honest, I've always been much more of a 'find a thing you like that works well and stick with it' guy, ain't broke don't fix thing.

I am leaning towards the Roffu because it does have that screen for info which might be good to know as a beginner where the TM is just dial and go.


Well-Known Member
I snagged the Roffu in a rare sale a few months back for $69 and can’t believe how nice it is. I think you could get by with just the Roffu based on what you said above. I have been DHV’ing for 4 years and it is enough for me. I do have a more powerful, more expensive vape, but the Roffu is the one I am reaching for most often.


Old & In the Way
I am leaning towards the Roffu because it does have that screen for info which might be good to know as a beginner where the TM is just dial and go.
Roffu is an excellent first vape. If you buy one, pick up the wpa/glass mouthpiece. The glass mp is short, not prone to breakage, and can be capped with a silicone plug or cover (perhaps from a vape cart tip?) it can be mostly smell- contained.

The on-demand aspect is different between the 2 you are looking at. From a 'cold' start, the TM2 will be ready in a couple of seconds, very quick. The Roffu will take 20 to 30 seconds for that first hit.

While Roffu is real nice, the TM2 is definitely a step up. Better flavor, for one thing. Ten year warranty, made in Finland, compared to Roffu made in China, idr if warranty is 1 or 2 years.


Big and Bouncy
I don't think you could wrong with the Roffu as a entry budget vape so I think that's good advice.

You might want to have a look at the new Arizer Solo 3 though as a strong (and cheaper) contender to the TM2 when considering more expensive vapes. It does on-demand apparently very well. It's also pretty dead simple to use for a first time vaper I think. The TM2 is no doubt an awesome vape but I've read it does have a bit of a learning curve. :2c:


New Member
Roffu is an excellent first vape. If you buy one, pick up the wpa/glass mouthpiece. The glass mp is short, not prone to breakage, and can be capped with a silicone plug or cover (perhaps from a vape cart tip?) it can be mostly smell- contained.

The on-demand aspect is different between the 2 you are looking at. From a 'cold' start, the TM2 will be ready in a couple of seconds, very quick. The Roffu will take 20 to 30 seconds for that first hit.

While Roffu is real nice, the TM2 is definitely a step up. Better flavor, for one thing. Ten year warranty, made in Finland, compared to Roffu made in China, idr if warranty is 1 or 2 years.
I'm not too fussed about heat up time, just as long as it heats when I need it and cools down to not waste anything I'm happy. Summer's coming up and this will be used on Friday evenings and when out and about on walks at the weekend.

I've watched a side by side comparison on YT and it seems they are basically identical, with the Roffu requiring slightly more cleaning and the TM giving slightly better flavour, but I just cant justify it being almost triple the price for a first vape, so I'm set on the Roffu now.

What is the glass mouthpiece for? If it's just cooling I'm not that bothered, warm pulls never used to bother me before.

I will ask however, I see a bunch of folks loading herb directly into the oven in the videos, is there any reason everyone isn't using dosing caps to help keep everything clean? Just the convenience of being able to swap out a small steel tin, stick another one in and keep puffing is going to be a great convenience to me, so I wondered if there are downsides that I'm not aware of?

I don't think you could wrong with the Roffu as a entry budget vape so I think that's good advice.

You might want to have a look at the new Arizer Solo 3 though as a strong (and cheaper) contender to the TM2 when considering more expensive vapes. It does on-demand apparently very well. It's also pretty dead simple to use for a first time vaper I think. The TM2 is no doubt an awesome vape but I've read it does have a bit of a learning curve. :2c:
I'm fairly set on the Roffu now, I don't know how much the Solo 3 is where you are but in my country with export costs it's almost the same as the TM2.

Not ruling either out down the line mind...

I snagged the Roffu in a rare sale a few months back for $69 and can’t believe how nice it is. I think you could get by with just the Roffu based on what you said above. I have been DHV’ing for 4 years and it is enough for me. I do have a more powerful, more expensive vape, but the Roffu is the one I am reaching for most often.
This sounds like me, find one good thing you like and stick with it.

With the Roffu, are there any niggles you've found with using it? There's a question, being new to all this I don't know how this is prevented, but the chamber where the herb sits has holes at the bottom, obviously for heat to get through, but how does the vape prevent bits from dropping through them and into the rest of the device? Or is the heating element below this completely solid and flat so nothing drops down?


Well-Known Member
I will vote for neither. Get a Storz and Bickel Venty. The taste is fantastic and it is easy to use and durable. I was in much the same situation as you earlier this year. I am loving the Venty and my alcohol consumption has fallen off a cliff. Even my wife is happy with the change.


Well-Known Member
I had a roffu for a year or more, before switching to the V3Pro earlier this year. It's far better in most way's to it's more "luxurious" big brother. Roffu is a nice device BUT:

-maddening UI, not the least of which is the 5 clicks to turn on and off
-slow warmup
-slow "bootup". I can't believe this is a thing but the device takes about a second to startup when you click 5 times.
-horrible ergos, with your fingers always being positioned right where the intakes are or on the screen. Never felt right in the hand.
-constricted airflow that keeps you from "ripping it" as much as you'd like
-no mouthpiece or WPA options. You have the stock mp, which I think is nice, but the "wpa stem" thing is an afterthought at best.
-lots of plastic in the vapor path with the airbox and stuff.
-much of the vapor path needs to be cleaned with soap and water, and cannot be dunked in ISO

Conversely, the v3pro:
-Boots in a blink
-3 clicks on and off, that is more responsive than the roffu
-excellent ergos, with wide open airflow intakes in more than one place
-RIPS. Will provide lots of vapor no matter how hard or how often you pull.
-Light weight and very portable. I have small purses and this fits right in, with extra dosing caps
-Nice slim case from delta3d available. Keeps the device smell free and clean when not in use. I toss it in daypacks and purses all the time.
-A wealth of WPA and mp options, including everything you can do with the POTV topper.
-cleaner vapor path, with just ceramics and metals and maybe a sliver of plastic in the oem mouthpiece.
-Heats up FAST. Like the V3 pro heats up fast enough to actually use it in on demand mode like on demand. 5-10 second warmups to vapor.

Take a look at 420EDC, as they have excellent bundle deals and you can get a discount on dosing caps too. I'm a fan.

I never loved the roffu because of the issues I mentioned, and it really just constantly irritated me most of it's ownership. It's got good cooling and looks super classy. It's also really heavy, if that's your thing.

To me, I bought a V3 Pro used and immediately went and bought a second one/sold off my roffu at a loss. Never looked back. Wild that it's cheaper than the roffu.

This sounds like me, find one good thing you like and stick with it.

With the Roffu, are there any niggles you've found with using it? There's a question, being new to all this I don't know how this is prevented, but the chamber where the herb sits has holes at the bottom, obviously for heat to get through, but how does the vape prevent bits from dropping through them and into the rest of the device? Or is the heating element below this completely solid and flat so nothing drops down?

That's the neat part, it doesn't! With most electric portables, including the new solo 3 and the tm2, the manufacturers don't design a way to clean debris that is under the oven. All the pollen and dust and dirt in the air when you inhale? It stays in there forever.

There is no magic to this, it's a bad design and ignores consumer safety. I hate it.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Why do so many people seem to own a bunch of different vapes anyway? I love music and gaming so I bought a pair of Audeze Maxwells to provide decent sound for both of these, but I don't feel the need to have 5 pairs of headphones; what's the story with vapes?

Aside from it being a hobby, different vapes offer different experiences, different vapor quality and different use styles, different flavor experiences and levels of extraction, different temperature settings or other features to control ... There's a wide variety of tech for heating and extraction as well as pathways to consume through, power, speed, versatility, etc. different situations for use.

am leaning towards the Roffu because it does have that screen for info which might be good to know as a beginner where the TM is just dial and go.

A lot of people like screens for that reason but they're not necessarily better, I actually prefer the analog dial of the TM, simpler full temp range, aside from more power and better vapor quality, more versatility with larger bowl or smaller still capable

What is the glass mouthpiece for? If it's just cooling I'm not that bothered, warm pulls never used to bother me before.

The glass mouthpiece can be a WPA, there is actually a great WPA made by a glass maker that is just a glass stem mouthpiece, that is what I use and it makes it the simplest... More of a direct pathway, better flavor, the stock pathway has decent cooling but plastic and or silicone in the pathway as well.

I will ask however, I see a bunch of folks loading herb directly into the oven in the videos, is there any reason everyone isn't using dosing caps to help keep everything clean? Just the convenience of being able to swap out a small steel tin, stick another one in and keep puffing is going to be a great convenience to me, so I wondered if there are downsides that I'm not aware of?

You need to use higher temps with them, I find them fiddly to load and unload, just annoying imo much better with a glass stem as your chamber and pathway instead

the chamber where the herb sits has holes at the bottom, obviously for heat to get through, but how does the vape prevent bits from dropping through them and into the rest of the device? Or is the heating element below this completely solid and flat so nothing drops down?

There is a screen over the heater, the chamber is glass or steel, and it also has a screen, capsules would then add another screen and in my experience hurt the efficiency... With the right glass stem set up like from JoDa you can bypass all of this (details should all be in the roffu thread) making it more like the TM in that way

You would definitely be fine with Roffu to start, the cheap starters have come a long way, but from what you described you might be happier just paying more and getting the TM, just in every way it is better by far imo so I never use my Roffu though there are plenty of people that rely on it without issue!

Anything is going to have trade-offs, this is why many of us have so many different vapes, and yes you will want to get a good case if you really care about protecting them and being smell proof etc...


New Member
Aside from it being a hobby, different vapes offer different experiences, different vapor quality and different use styles, different flavor experiences and levels of extraction, different temperature settings or other features to control ... There's a wide variety of tech for heating and extraction as well as pathways to consume through, power, speed, versatility, etc. different situations for use.

A lot of people like screens for that reason but they're not necessarily better, I actually prefer the analog dial of the TM, simpler full temp range, aside from more power and better vapor quality, more versatility with larger bowl or smaller still capable

The glass mouthpiece can be a WPA, there is actually a great WPA made by a glass maker that is just a glass stem mouthpiece, that is what I use and it makes it the simplest... More of a direct pathway, better flavor, the stock pathway has decent cooling but plastic and or silicone in the pathway as well.

You need to use higher temps with them, I find them fiddly to load and unload, just annoying imo much better with a glass stem as your chamber and pathway instead

There is a screen over the heater, the chamber is glass or steel, and it also has a screen, capsules would then add another screen and in my experience hurt the efficiency... With the right glass stem set up like from JoDa you can bypass all of this (details should all be in the roffu thread) making it more like the TM in that way

You would definitely be fine with Roffu to start, the cheap starters have come a long way, but from what you described you might be happier just paying more and getting the TM, just in every way it is better by far imo so I never use my Roffu though there are plenty of people that rely on it without issue!

Anything is going to have trade-offs, this is why many of us have so many different vapes, and yes you will want to get a good case if you really care about protecting them and being smell proof etc...

What does the acronym WPA mean? Are you saying essentially a preloaded stem that you just swap in and out for a new one instead of a dosing cap that you swap in and out of the stem? From what I've seen with caps and people's comments on them it seems to be a vape by vape thing, some people seem to really love them in certain ones.

For smell proof one thing I was going to do is just take the spent caps out and sealing them in an empty tube, should mean the only thing with any smell will be the pathway.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
What does the acronym WPA mean?

Sorry this is a common acronym you will see, it stands for water pipe adapter, has a ground glass tip for 14 mm or 18 mm (even 10 mm) however it is extremely useful dry for use through a hook or other glass pathway, or even just direct with your mouth on the ground glass tip if comfortable enough

Are you saying essentially a preloaded stem that you just swap in and out for a new one instead of a dosing cap that you swap in and out of the stem?

You could do that, there are silicone lids available for transport this way, but it's also really easy to empty and load a glass stem, you blow out the spent bud, then straw suck a new load in, from a little container

From what I've seen with caps and people's comments on them it seems to be a vape by vape thing, some people seem to really love them in certain ones.

Yes it depends on the vapes, and the capsules, but it also depends on the people, generally you will see they can do best in conduction hybrid session vapes more than on demand pure convection vapes, but you will find people who like or don't like them for every product pretty much, so it depends on the individual and my require trying first

For smell proof one thing I was going to do is just take the spent caps out and sealing them in an empty tube, should mean the only thing with any smell will be the pathway.

Yes the pathways can get pretty stinky, that's why if it is a strong concern for you, the case is a good idea, and it is also nice for extra protection depending how you are storing it when out and about... Yeah what smells the most of course is the actual herbs (and the vapor to an extent)


Little-Known Member
I've never tried a Tinymight, but I have a Roffu. Because of its small, sleek form (and because my Firewood 7 has an issue), it's currently the vape I carry when going out, and for that it works pretty well.

My main complaint with it is the taste; it's not bad, but it seems to mute the flavors of my flower. Even on lower temperatures, I get only a hint of it with the first hit or two, then basically nothing; I'm guessing it's all the silicone in the stock vapor path.

the chamber where the herb sits has holes at the bottom, obviously for heat to get through, but how does the vape prevent bits from dropping through them and into the rest of the device? Or is the heating element below this completely solid and flat so nothing drops down?
It doesn't prevent bits from dropping through. I brush and blow around the heater to keep it looking clean, but surely lots of tiny particles have fallen through the holes and remain in or under the coil region.

I am leaning towards the Roffu because it does have that screen for info which might be good to know as a beginner where the TM is just dial and go.
Ultimately, with any vape, you need to figure out how you like to use it and learn to repeat that. The Roffu's display with precise temperature setting should make that initial learning curve easy, but otherwise I find it nearly useless (especially the incomprehensible puff counter screen, though I guess that's been improved in a recent revision). My favorite vapes have no displays and were not difficult to learn.

Why do so many people seem to own a bunch of different vapes anyway? I love music and gaming so I bought a pair of Audeze Maxwells to provide decent sound for both of these, but I don't feel the need to have 5 pairs of headphones; what's the story with vapes?
It's often really hard to know what you're going to like and dislike about any particular device. As honest as a reviewer might be, they can't tell you everything. Personally I don't get to hang out much with other people who vape herb, so it's exceedingly rare that I get to actually try out a device without purchasing it myself.

Some of those likes and dislikes, or strengths and weaknesses, are contextual. The Roffu is a pretty good pocket portable, but I don't have much use for it at home. My current favorite, a TRWW Quartz Cap, requires a butane torch that can't really be taken out in public or carried on an airplane, but I did take it on a recent trip by land to use in the hotel. If I get tired of burning up butane (or if/when my Quartz Cap and Terpcicle are broken), I'll go back to my plug-in Underdog for most home use. If you're really into it, it makes perfect sense to own at least two or three vapes.


Agent Provocateur
For a first time vape get the V3 pro as @maremaresing recommended . Easy to use, good flavor, affordable. I have both the Roffu and V3 pro and they're both excellent choices. The V3 is a great value, can't beat the pricing of either one :tup:. Both can use capsules . Both are fairly quick and I don't mind wait times all, you can get a good rip on each one in seconds. Roffu takes some learning while all you have to do with the V3 is turn it on and pick a temp and inhale . Very user friendly :tup: .


New Member
For a first time vape get the V3 pro as @maremaresing recommended . Easy to use, good flavor, affordable. I have both the Roffu and V3 pro and they're both excellent choices. The V3 is a great value, can't beat the pricing of either one :tup:. Both can use capsules . Both are fairly quick and I don't mind wait times all, you can get a good rip on each one in seconds. Roffu takes some learning while all you have to do with the V3 is turn it on and pick a temp and inhale . Very user friendly :tup: .
Yeah, I missed that comment originally, but after checking out a few reviews I've decided to go for that one with a glass mouthpiece. I honestly didn't consider how I like to draw either, and back when I did have a bit of a tendency to be a bit of a vacuum lung, so having better air pull for larger rips is something that does appeal to me.

I can't get the PotV one unfortunately but from a UK based reviewer the OG V3 does still seem to be best-in-class when it comes to the budget vapes, and I figure it's cheap enough that if I do want to splash out on a beast down the line that it's not so expensive that I'll feel I should've just gone big at the get go, whereas the best price I've found for the Roffu for me works out at $150 and that's just with the lite kit, without any accessories.

There's also a UK based shop that makes heavy duty screw top airtight cases for the V3 Pro, makes the thing look like a pipe bomb lol, so that deals with any potential odour issues.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Yeah, I missed that comment originally, but after checking out a few reviews I've decided to go for that one with a glass mouthpiece. I honestly didn't consider how I like to draw either, and back when I did have a bit of a tendency to be a bit of a vacuum lung, so having better air pull for larger rips is something that does appeal to me.

I can't get the PotV one unfortunately but from a UK based reviewer the OG V3 does still seem to be best-in-class when it comes to the budget vapes, and I figure it's cheap enough that if I do want to splash out on a beast down the line that it's not so expensive that I'll feel I should've just gone big at the get go, whereas the best price I've found for the Roffu for me works out at $150 and that's just with the lite kit, without any accessories.

There's also a UK based shop that makes heavy duty screw top airtight cases for the V£ Pro, makes the thing look like a pipe bomb lol, so that deals with any potential odour issues.

Yeah sounds like a good move to get you started! the V3pro really is tough to beat for the standard budget vape these days, it is a great product, better value vs Roffu then :tup:
To me the TM2 is probably the ultimate portable vape. I’ve traveled to Cali , Vegas, Seattle. Went on road trips with it and it’s one of the most hardest hitting vapes out there regardless of grind. At Vegas i was just break little nugs in the stem walking the strip and just hitting the damn thing. But I would also look into the Airvape Legacy pro. That IMO is the best “All in one” portable vapes out there. What I mean about “all in one” is that there are no extra parts to worry about, whether it be a stem or even opening the vape, for example the Venty, you open the Venty by removing the cooling unit. The AVLP, you just open the vape and you dump out the AVB then close the door. Hits on the AVLP works with any grind consistency as well. Has On demand and Session mode. Fun fact you can remove the mouth piece of the AVLP and make more like a flat mouthpiece. But the Roffu is also a great choice, especially with the two different chambers. I prefer the glass, it’s also very convenient in terms of size. Having the Solo 3 and the Venty and using them more makes you appreciate the smaller vapes and how strong they are as well.


Big and Bouncy
To me the TM2 is probably the ultimate portable vape. I’ve traveled to Cali , Vegas, Seattle. Went on road trips with it and it’s one of the most hardest hitting vapes out there regardless of grind. At Vegas i was just break little nugs in the stem walking the strip and just hitting the damn thing. But I would also look into the Airvape Legacy pro. That IMO is the best “All in one” portable vapes out there. What I mean about “all in one” is that there are no extra parts to worry about, whether it be a stem or even opening the vape, for example the Venty, you open the Venty by removing the cooling unit. The AVLP, you just open the vape and you dump out the AVB then close the door. Hits on the AVLP works with any grind consistency as well. Has On demand and Session mode. Fun fact you can remove the mouth piece of the AVLP and make more like a flat mouthpiece. But the Roffu is also a great choice, especially with the two different chambers. I prefer the glass, it’s also very convenient in terms of size. Having the Solo 3 and the Venty and using them more makes you appreciate the smaller vapes and how strong they are as well.
Agree about the AVLP. It was my go-to portable for the last 2 years but looks like the new Solo 3 is gonna displace it. The AVLP is a great tasting vape but you gotta keep it clean. The capsules go a long way towards doing that. It was selling for $169 in a bundle with some accessories for 4/20. Great deal at that price.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, I missed that comment originally, but after checking out a few reviews I've decided to go for that one with a glass mouthpiece
Note that the v3 pro have a glass mouthpiece(MP) add-on too. Or just buy the WPA and use it as a MP too.
While Roffu is real nice, the TM2 is definitely a step up. Better flavor, for one thing. Ten year warranty, made in Finland, compared to Roffu made in China, idr if warranty is 1 or 2 years.
Did TM revert the warranty change? I think the warranty is like 2 or 3 years now.


Well-Known Member
Company Rep
673 puffs on the Roffu without cleaning, not many vapes can do that.:2c:

Replace the plate filter with a mesh version as pictured above and the cooling unit mainly collects honey and will start to make bubble sounds when full.:haw:
I have been using the capsules a lot lately for a lung pull to start for the terps then a few mouth pulls-to-lung like on a cigarette to finish (I choke on the thick clouds at this time if I try to keep lung-pulling but can revert to them once the vapor thins if I am roasting a load)...the WPA glass is great for that joint to the lips feel. I have been using the Riggo glass as suggested by @Petetbay as it is a bit more ergonomic with a slight bend.
Glass bowl v metal bowl, S=small vapor cloud, L=large vapor cloud, H=huge vapor cloud and the time to vape,

The V3Pro is also a great starter vape that is reliable and easy to maintain.
I really should get myself a TM2 and a Venty (once the teething problems get sorted as I am not paying AU$750 to be a beta tester:myday:) so I can answer about comparisons better, plus the TM2 sounds great if you want pure convection.
Why do so many people seem to own a bunch of different vapes anyway? I love music and gaming so I bought a pair of Audeze Maxwells to provide decent sound for both of these, but I don't feel the need to have 5 pairs of headphones; what's the story with vapes?
Horses for courses, I use Bose 901 in my house, Polk Audio for my outdoor entertaining area, buds on the motorbike, Alpine in the car, and am looking at some Sony XM4 headphones for can never have too many options with whatever hobby takes your fancy.:tup:
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Well-Known Member
I’ll just say if you can afford a TM2 then you should get one, the Roffu while I like it doesn’t really compare with the TM2. Roffu vs V3Pro the Roffu wins out while the V3Pro is a nice simpler and very inexpensive vape that wins the value segment. I’m expecting my Solo 3 today and it really is shaking things up in the vape world and could be a nice cheaper alternative to a TM2 or Venty, so if you can afford a Tinymight then you might want look at the Solo 3.:2c:


New Member

So I've not smoked in a few years, I initially stopped when I wanted to stop smoking cigarettes (at the time my joints were half and half), and as vaping wasn't as much of a thing in my country then I just decided to jack it all in. Thing is, now that vaping is much more mainstream and far healthier than all the alternatives, I would much rather have a herb vape than my usual knocking back booze on a Friday night. It's cheaper, healthier, and in all honesty I've missed it.

Anyway, I've done a bit of reading on Reddit and from the looks of it the two that I like the look of best that seem to get universal praise for the requirements I have are the XLux Roffu and the Tinymight 2. I'm not one for a ton of unnecessary bells and whistles, all I want is an on demand vape that is simple to use and does the basics well that I can carry around in my backpack on a weekend (seeing as herb isn't particularly welcome where I live, one that keeps any scents contained within the vape best would be very preferable).

Anyway, like I said, after reading around those two seem to fit the bill the best. From what I can gather the Tinymight 2 is the gold standard for on demand, does everything really well and requires very little cleaning and maintenance (which I like), whereas the Roffu is still decent in most areas, just not as A* as the Tiny, but obviously, like 40% the price. Thing is I don't want to get the Roffu and then regret not just getting the Tiny from the get go.

So, my hope here is that I can get some of you experts weighing in on which way I should go, preferably someone who owns both and can summarise them, and also any small annoyances they may have with each device? Or, if you have any other suggestions of things I could consider I'm all ears.

Hopefully this is a bespoke and specific enough question to not just get flamed as a "new guy asks which vape they should buy". So yeah, looking for an on demand that does the basics well, doesn't need anything fancy, preferably little maintenance/cleaning and ideally one that won't sit in my bag as I'm out and about radiating like eau de Buju Banton.

Thank you.
I have like 50 wine glasses pairs, just because different wine requires different glass, same with vapes, and any other hobby, ski, bikes, cars, etc

Each accessory serves specific purposes or occasions

Out of 2, TM2 is an good choice, u will need storage $5+ and grinder(scissors, whatever u want) $20+ to buy as well, so budget that

Storage and grinding can cost additional hundreds

Also in case look and feel important TM2, no rofu, no s&b etc
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