New profile posts

I personally believe that the BFG Flare will blow the Forge out of the water for sales. At half the price, most (if not all) of the functionality and a vastly smaller footprint, the Flare is going to be a phenomenon!
Will this deal work? 4 amp and 2 amp....will add a little weight...tried to find on Home Depot in Canada.
The charger alone is $ 54
Funny thing I dont need portable with induction heaters...but if John designed it...well you

Yes that should work. Any M12 style battery will work, that looks to be the same charger as John's.

It's clear that the screwball is for the serious session vaporist. The ability to dial in the exact temperature needed for extraction and the ease of which extraction occurs is amazing.

Of course, I'm still learning how to use it effectively. Thanks for opportunity to try your amazing vaporizer.

Bill MacKay
hey Stu, hope your doing well. i was trying to be helpful and he went off on me. are you saying, i cannot defend or explain how how much i did not like being called names by someone new to fc , who has never posted except to start a fight. i try to be nice but he really to offence, for me bring up their was a clear warning on vgoodies site, buy at your own risk. was i wrong to bring it up?
i thought this was a pm. lol
how do i pm you? i really don't see another way other than this profile post
To send a pm, simply click "start a conversation" while hovering over a member's avatar. Or click to their profile and you can do it there also.
thank you Stu
Hey do you happen to have the links for your preferred online vendors? Saw your comment on the BF thread, but it won’t let me DM you directly.
Sugar Hemp farms
Fire hemp farms
Upstate hemp co
Wildflower hemp co
enlightened hemp co
ocoee botanicals
harbor city hemp
the hemp barn
dr ganja
veteran grown
where are you posting don't c u much any more?
Im posting on the tempest thread and i have to be ost on the v3nano and Riggo threads (if you mean posting in general)
ok understood i've been trying to dm and not use profile posting
hows the nano and 2-con, did you get 2-con to stop off gassing?
you buy nano or did topgreen offer you a test rig.?
what's up you not talking to me anymore? lol
Nope. I just didn’t see the messages on my profile.
Xmax offered me one. I will tell the pros and cons when i can in the thread, i had a very busy days.

The 2con was not gassing. It is just some smell, it happened with some vapes. I’m waiting to receive the final silicon parts.
Can you Set up a new portable Vap forum called: Nectar Hex
it's a hybrid-Dry and concentrates. I just got me one,today. I don't know how to set it up
yes it is released. but just now moving to the usa and ca. market in a few weeks. i need 2 weeks to learn the ends and out and come up with a review, a honest one. so i'll hold off for now. i'm a virgin on how to do it and what i can and cannot say without breaking fc rules.
Apologies, My comments were aimed at Floribud. My mistake.
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florduh all us Floridians look the same, huh?:cuss: LOL. No worries, dude. Honestly, I probably shoulda figured that out myself. But I appreciate you clarifying. Sorry about the way I responded as well:peace:
Curious Gorilla
Curious Gorilla
Not at all, i still laughed My arse off at Your responses, the president and the dinosaur cracked me up.. Again ,My Bad.:tinfoil:
I got a deletion message my post in the FuckYou Thread. , Thankyou for leaving /replacing it if you fished it out and put it back
If not, ThankyouForFuckYou !
Hi. Are your two Dynaps 2020 M still available for sale? If so, I would like to purchase both. I am located in the states, NYC to be exact. Would you be willing to ship it to NYC? I have a PayPal account and have purchased many items in the past from sellers on FC. Let me know. Thank you!
Hi perfect speed,
Is the camoflet still available? I’m in the uk and would like to try it, I have a taffee bowle that I’d swap for it if you are interested?
Thanks in advance
Thankyou, that's a very kind offer, and one I would have loved to take up. I've always wondered what a Taffee would be like

Sadly I'm half way through sending the V1 steel version to someone for free, and who isn't paying postage, but a promise is a promise, and I said free was fine ;o)

Really sorry. I think they're on sale at Vape Wellness if that's a help.
No worries, thanks for the reply. Bit of a cheek not even covering postage!
I guess things are tough all over, and I've been seriously skinny many times, so I try to give the benefit of the doubt. Blagging free stuff if you already have enough s a miserable way to get ahead. Like my rich BiL who washes his hair with shampoo taken from motels.
Curious why my 'Sugar' post in the 'is dry herb vaping healthy' thread was deleted? responded to-TommyDee ''recent report on esophageal cancer...blaming it on hot tea''. Not a complaint,anything specific i said that was innapropriate/wrong please tell me so i can avoid deletions. Hurts to type, arthritis.
Photos posted here are obsolete. New products have been developed- due to intense harassment by what looks like people with vested interests or other monkey business behind the scenes here, I am not participating in this forum.

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Instaglam: elixier_designs
Our former VapeXhale representative says they DO repair EVO's if you contact them directly. DM me for the email.
We are hoping former VapeXhale company members will get back to us about making glassware and being able to supply consumables like baskets and nails. For now, OEM baskets and compatible quartz nails are available on Vaporbrothers and Vaporwarehouse.
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