will round cubic zirconia gems, like 6mm, work a cooling heat absorber in glass vape stems or a heat accumulators balls in ball vapes?


Well-Known Member
they have a extreme heat rating and i thought they may be better than quartz very hard ts and boro glass balls. does anyone have experience or knowledge they can share? i am tempted to try but don't want to poison my lungs if not suitable.
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Well-Known Member
I was looking myself at various pearl/ball materials online the other day and was surprised to read that effects on flavor were an issue with some materials. I don’t remember anything specifically about zirconia balls in that regard, but in discussions of glass/boro, quartz, rubies, titanium, SIC, <some other SIC-like thing>, etc., I recall rubies being mentioned as better flavor than some. There were also r/vaporents and maybe FC (?) discussions of health issues, mostly around breathing in sharp dust particles. No guarantees, but holes drilled in beads (probably intended for craft usage) was considered a bad idea, and even just balls clacking against each other was suspected by some, who claimed to have seen visible dust. OTOH, some people remarked that if you are at the beach or otherwise around wind & sand, you might be getting more of the bad stuff from that (again, don’t trust me or my second-hand interwebs info—I’m neither a micro-geologist nor a pulmonologist or whatever, and I suspect none of these people were either).

Anyway, I decided to hold off on any cooling balls for now, as flavor is a huge issue for me, FWIW / YMMV.


Well-Known Member
I was looking myself at various pearl/ball materials online the other day and was surprised to read that effects on flavor were an issue with some materials. I don’t remember anything specifically about zirconia balls in that regard, but in discussions of glass/boro, quartz, rubies, titanium, SIC, <some other SIC-like thing>, etc., I recall rubies being mentioned as better flavor than some. There were also r/vaporents and maybe FC (?) discussions of health issues, mostly around breathing in sharp dust particles. No guarantees, but holes drilled in beads (probably intended for craft usage) was considered a bad idea, and even just balls clacking against each other was suspected by some, who claimed to have seen visible dust. OTOH, some people remarked that if you are at the beach or otherwise around wind & sand, you might be getting more of the bad stuff from that (again, don’t trust me or my second-hand interwebs info—I’m neither a micro-geologist nor a pulmonologist or whatever, and I suspect none of these people were either).

Anyway, I decided to hold off on any cooling balls for now, as flavor is a huge issue for me, FWIW / YMMV.
i'm going to try the cz gems. on order, now, cz with hardness rating 8 to 8.5 and synth ruby of hardness of 9 there won't be dust by rubbing or rattling. lime soda glass will.
the flavors with all those materials mentioned increase the smooth the heat and improved flavor, esp if you are comparing against using water bong pieces. balls used in dry, are flavorful and cooling. i use them every day. i have tried almost every cooling methods.
the is fav. dry method using ruby and boro balls and then 3rd best, quarts are my fav so far. if balls were an irritant, with my super sensitive lungs and throat, they would react.
this is my opinion and personal experience, only not speaking for anyone, other than me.
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Well-Known Member
i use them every day. i have tried almost every cooling methods.
the is fav.

I have to say, I trust you more than those bozos on r/vaporents, so this is good enough for me. ;):tup:

* My expression of trust here is real & sincere—the joke is that I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you on reddit … where I have in fact enjoyed your posts! :lol:
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Old Moderate

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The thermal heat capacity of cubic zirconia is in the 30’s (W m-1 K-1) which is right about the same as rubies, but higher than glass and steel and most other materials that might be used except aluminum. I’d be interested in how they compare to the rubies in terms of cooling. I suspect it would be similar as long as size was the same.

I have wanted to find some aluminum balls to try, but haven’t yet found some made out of the lower corrosion potential grades, although not sure how much that matters. It would be worth it try aluminum even if you switched them out after a week or so of testing a lower grade, but I haven’t pulled the trigger. Ideally, we’d have gold or corundum coated copper balls. Those would also have nearly the same volumetric heat capacity as water so near maximum for typical materials and temperatures. How do we find those?


Well-Known Member
i can say 6mm cz gems worked, extremely well cooling and enhanced flavor used in my tallest/longest straight glass mouthpiece stem (60pc.) for my 'angus enhanced'. i love it. lets see how long before i must clean them lol. CZ GEMS work much better than 6 mm QUARTZ FOR SURE
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