Which vaporizer do YOU use to CONSERVE HERB


Got money out the ass no homo but i'm rich
For the lucky FC members out there who have multiple vaporization devices (and I know there's a lot of you out there), which vaporizer do YOU use to conserve. When your trying to get high off as little of marijuana as possible, which device do you go for?

I've heard the Launch box is really good for conserving but I've also heard purple days is even better. Back in my combustion days i was a one hitter type of guy. But my MFLB saves even more than that thing :)


Well-Known Member
I don't have any of the new fandangled vapes, but my vapolution is the best that I've used so far.


Well-Known Member
I don't own a MFLB personally but a close friend of mine does and the trench holds about 2-3 times the amount my Purple Days (log type) does. The worst part is that I pull nearly the same amount of hits he does give or take per pack. I love using his MFLB when it comes to traveling and being mobile in general, but for conservation and efficiency I honestly don't think there is a better vaporizer on the market other than the log types in my opinion.
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