What's a FTK bong?


Maybe not the oldest, but possibly the fartiest!
Fab Torus Klein?

Is this "right"
  • Faberge/Fab Egg/Straight Fab - A very popular and staple design in the shape of an egg that is made of two swiss perc sections that give it a very unique function. (1)
  • the term klein refers to the type of weld or seal that is required to make the klein bottle. Many glassblowers use a klein seal when creating recyclers, as a sleek way to integrate the drain through the main chamber. (2) [so a Klein is also a Recycler?]
  • Torus. What does this mean or refer to?

So, what's an FTK?

Also, does anyone actually pay $4000-$10000 USD for bongs? See Mothership Glass

(1) https://brotherswithglass.com/blogs...y-slang-and-terminology-of-the-glass-industry
(2) https://thecavesmokeshop.com/pages/glossary#klein

Grass Yes

Staff member
Most of the terms you've listed above originated from Mothership. I believe the FTK was actually created by the owner of Mothership, Scott Deppe.

I believe that "torus" is simply a name for a model of Mothership glass that has been adopted by knock-offs. I think they typically have an SoL perc and the egg, but not a fab (or Klein recycler).

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Fab Torus Klein?

Is this "right"
  • Faberge/Fab Egg/Straight Fab - A very popular and staple design in the shape of an egg that is made of two swiss perc sections that give it a very unique function. (1)
  • the term klein refers to the type of weld or seal that is required to make the klein bottle. Many glassblowers use a klein seal when creating recyclers, as a sleek way to integrate the drain through the main chamber. (2) [so a Klein is also a Recycler?]
  • Torus. What does this mean or refer to?

So, what's an FTK?

Also, does anyone actually pay $4000-$10000 USD for bongs? See Mothership Glass

(1) https://brotherswithglass.com/blogs...y-slang-and-terminology-of-the-glass-industry
(2) https://thecavesmokeshop.com/pages/glossary#klein

Yeah fab, involves swiss, could involve tubes, and spherical shapes if it is an egg, or there are straight fab cylinder etc (swiss is just the holes) klein typically refers to vortex funnel recycler, however it actually just means any outer tubes, torus tends to refer to incycler klein however when it is inside, holes in the top of the funnel instead of any outer uptake tubes, sometimes the drain sticks out or is also full incycler inside (rarely the reverse as well like the ones from SamL)

Torus is thrown around a lot inaccurately for Chinese items like SOL, FOL, etc and more

Anyway so if it was a bong, I would imagine it would be a straight tube, that goes through a fab section above the perc (FOL if it has the drain on the outside, SOL if it is inside drain) and an incycler klein vortex funnel above that... Those look very unappealing to me, I don't really like this incycler style for vaping at all and I wouldn't want to dab with that perc or bong size either personally


Well-Known Member
I understood FTK means a Fab section (here, the ball section), a Torus (creating the circular motion of the water in the drain), and a Klein (the drain passing through the wall like Klein bottle). Afaict, these have become conventional terms that sort of stretch the original meanings (a klein bottle has a 'neck' section that passes through the body such that the entire thing results in a single surface.):
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Maybe not the oldest, but possibly the fartiest!
I understood FTK means a Fab section (here, the ball section), a Torus (creating the circular motion of the water in the drain), and a Klein (the drain passing through the wall like Klein bottle). Afaict, these have become conventional terms that sort of stretch the original meanings (a klein bottle has a section that passes through the body such that the entire thing results in a single surface.):
Great explanation. Thanks, can I use it on the gallery page?

Does the torus action add any value, or does it just look cool?


Well-Known Member
Great explanation. Thanks, can I use it on the gallery page?
Sure. Hopefully others will clarify as needed.
Does the torus action add any value, or does it just look cool?
I think it's part of the cooling process, it circulates the vapor, brings it into contact with the cooler walls and water, etc. Otoh something like a dumper may not have a torus effect, but it still cools well. So maybe both?
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Maybe not the oldest, but possibly the fartiest!
Thanks @coolbreeze
I updated the resource page. I think using Resource pages to organize and consolidate knowledge is great, but it's a little labor intensive. I hope others will take a little time to add to pages so folks don't have to read 50 pages of a thread to get's its wisdom.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Thanks @coolbreeze
I updated the resource page. I think using Resource pages to organize and consolidate knowledge is great, but it's a little labor intensive. I hope others will take a little time to add to pages so folks don't have to read 50 pages of a thread to get's its wisdom.

I prefer to just answer questions with posts here instead of a write-up listing everything

Edit to Add: honestly I've never used any of the resources here and I'm not sure how many people do? I feel like they are kind of hidden within the forum... Never really understood what they even were or how to create them lol

Also if I ever have questions about this kind of stuff, it's pretty easy to do Google searches and find answers, helps see how subjective it is depending who is doing the naming etc. All the letters and terms can be far from universal, realize I got confused and may have mentioned straight fab above, which would be SFK not STK, but that's exactly why I hate that type of naming scheme :lol:
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Maybe not the oldest, but possibly the fartiest!
I prefer to just answer questions with posts here instead of a write-up listing everything

Edit to Add: honestly I've never used any of the resources here and I'm not sure how many people do? I feel like they are kind of hidden within the forum... Never really understood what they even were or how to create them lol

Also if I ever have questions about this kind of stuff, it's pretty easy to do Google searches and find answers, helps see how subjective it is depending who is doing the naming etc. All the letters and terms can be far from universal, realize I got confused and may have mentioned straight fab above, which would be SFK not STK, but that's exactly why I hate that type of naming scheme :lol:
A few other forums I belong to use XenForo as well (the underlying software FC uses), so I may be more familiar with it that the average fucker (people who post on FuckCombustion are called "fuckers", did you know that? :-).
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