What'll happen to your vapes and equipment when you're no longer around to use them?


I am the beetle in a box that only you can see
All flesh is grass etc, and many of the larger collections pictured here are held by people who are... well, aging.

So what will happen to all that gear of yours when you're pushing up daisies?

For those of you with a significant other - will those custom stems give them as much pleasure? Or will they be horrified at the true extent of your collection?

In illegal areas, this question is even more vexed - how to dispose of equipment when you may or may not know the value of what you have?

Perhaps we should all start to plan for this eventuality. Do you have any specific plans?

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Haha this is quite morbid, but I have thought about it, my family would be shocked to discover everything, would be ideal to set up a contingency with friend, roommate, so everything could go to a good FC friend, to collect, but also sell and distribute? However life changes so eventually also could have someone closer to care that'd already know
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Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I mean my collection is quite extensive for the obvious reason I need access to test-fit accessories when I get custom order requests. And my better half runs my wholesale department (mass production and bagging/tagging inventory) so I'm not too worried about what they may find :lol:

At the very least I plan to donate most of this stuff to friends who could use them before I go so they can enjoy my collection just as much as I did.
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