What should I get for my birthday?

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I've been browsing this forum for little over a year now, so it feels good to finally hop on board with some fellow enthusiasts.

I had once pulled the trigger and bought the Volcano Classic. It was great. Putting mids in there was doing the job just fine. Then, unfortunately it got stolen and now I have it no longer. My birthday is coming up and I'm looking to get something to replace my long lost baby.

Except, a couple of issues. I notice the Classic doesn't have a temperature readout, and, most importantly, the thing is $500. I just can't shell out that kind of coin again.

I trust Volcano as they are a quality brand, so I was looking at their Plenty Vaporizer. But I notice it doesn't get as high temps as other vaporizers do (the Plenty only goes up to 395 F degrees whereas others go all the way up to 446 F). I loved my Volcano, but, to be honest, it wasn't EXACTLY what I thought it was going to be. I was kind of expecting to be hitting cloud 9 off of one hit, which, of course is an unreasonable expectation and all. I didn't really like how the bags got all dirty after repeated usage, too. Plus, the fact that reportedly the vapor passes through metal and whatnot, that this is extremely dangerous.

Right now I've got my eye on the Plenty and the Arizer because they both have thermometers so I know what temp I'm getting my stuff vape'd at. Overall, what advice do you have to give? Thanks.

mod note- General Vaporization Discussion
Vapor related but not model specific - Thread moved :/
Fedor Couture,


First advice, broaden your horizons. :D

You have whip vapes, log vapes, wand vapes, portables and home units..

From your choices it seems you are willing to shell out a lot of coin, the Volcano is still one of the priciest units in the market and the Plenty is too much money to what it offers IMO.

Check the Extreme Q and the Herbalaire.

If you are willing to wait, check the Cloud.

If you are into best taste look into vaporizers with only glass in the vapor path, although they are usually more prone to breaking of course. Examples: Vrip Heat Wand, Herborizer.


+1 ^^^
Do some more reading, it's not all about having a digital temperature readout.
so true, and also most vapes that do have one will display anything but correct values.
The Volcano digital is pretty accurate, but i all tests i have seen from other vapes where off by 10°+...


Student of Vapor
i would highly recommend any of the log vapes including the UD, CRZ, HI, TT, and probably a couple more i may have forgotten. these do not have a digital temperature readout but i really don't find that one is necessary. many FC'ers on here find that log vapes are very efficient. if i wanted to i could get to cloud 9 with one hit on my UD which im sure holds true for the other logs. also, at a price range from ~$150-$250 i would gladly buy a log vape over a volcano.
I would like to point out maybe not the obvious but just wait for the cloud :) I was able to finally test it out at a friends house the other day and man is it great


Pure Vaporist
If you wait for the cloud,,,,you may be waiting for a LONG time before you're off and vaping. Check out the 'vaporizer' subforum. There are many to look at. Log vapes are super efficient and can be left on 24/7. I keep a log vape at home and keep a couple portables for the road.


Well-Known Member
It's not mentioned often, I don't know why, but try the 7th Floor LSV. All glass and less potential for breakage. Price is good too, on sale for $240 right now from the mfg. I'm way more happy with this than I was with my log(pd which broke).
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