What is this dark sticky dust that builds up in my device?


Herbal Engineer
Is this just really fine ABV dust that manages to get through mixing with condensed honey oil or is this some kind of hash?

Th stainless steel screen is really fine I have a hard time believing any abv dust is getting through. This stuff doesnt show up in my dynavap with a much bigger gap in its CCD
Your thoughts?





Herbal Engineer
Hahaha sorry to laugh but yes that is fine dust mixed with oil, absolutely normal plant matter from vaping through those screens!
No worries glad you got some laughs! When I first started vaping last year I had no clue what that strange golden brown liquid building up in my vapes was and stupidly dumped it down drain. You know how much stem milk I could have made? Now I'm way more wary of the byproducts my vapes produce. Thanks for your thoughts.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
My pleasure! Yes I guess we all have to start there haha I do think I remember being impressed by it though not wondering what it was really, been a long time since I have bothered to reclaim any of that honestly
Shit Snacks,
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