What happened to the "Vape City" thread?

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'Socratic Existentialist, MD'
I was just wondering if anyone knew what happened to the vape city thread that was created.

Although VapeCity.com/org is pretty empty and I feel it was not quite appropriate to post an advertisement for a competing site on FC; I was under the impression that threads and posts "could not be deleted" and "can only be moved or edited" by mods.

I am sure it is tough to balance interests in allowing free-flow conversations (and respecting all points of view) while simultaneously trying to keep the site organized (and a valuable/accessible resource).

There must be a way... :hmm:


Out to lunch
Vapor-city, not vapecity. It was moved- moved off the public forum. Sorry, but we're not inclined to allow someone to use this forum to advertise their own, competing forum-Specific, General, Cooking, Lounge- sound familiar? And there wouldn't be much point to editing out the content of a spam thread and leaving an empty thread.


'Socratic Existentialist, MD'
I appreciate the response, and just thought the thread would get dumped in ABV (and had been told at one point that deleting posts/threads was impossible due to software limitations).

Just my :2c: , but I feel that it would be awesome if FC could be confident that there is nothing another site could offer to draw people away from here, and let the responses of forum members in that thread show the truth about the value of the competing (knock-off IMO) site (and therefore not worry about someone trying to pimp their competing site here).

Again thanks for the reply (and for the correction regarding the site name).

Please feel free to dump this thread in ABV if you should choose to do so.


edit: I also wish that we could have access to completely unedited versions of threads/dialogues (along with some sort of junk-free resource center (somewhat like the vaporpedia, but including insight given by form members and credited to them). IMO, all ideas are valuable (even just as a counterpoint to the truth or as a record of an unusual/unexplainable experience)

Again just my :2c: (respectfully, I hope)


But what does that carbon-copy site allow which the present one doesn't?

Where's the benefit and for who?


vapor junkie
Staff member
Spam aside, it's a matter of not allowing banned members to post using another account.
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