Ways to find out about new music?


Vapor concierge
I genre search on limewire and get all kinds of shit. I ended up with a huge and great reggae dub colleciton doing that.

And hiphop, jazz and reggae are hardly wierd tastes in music.

I wouldn't expect the electrician to have a mainstream taste in music! ;)


Well-Known Member
My tastes in music aren't weird, just VERY specific, I don't really have artists I like, just songs. This is mostly true for hip-hop, my reggae/jazz tastes are much wider, even though hip-hop is my favorite.

I care very little about lyrics. For some reason I just don't retain the words of a song. The voice is simply another instrument. There are songs I've listened to 500+ times that I couldn't do in karaoke at all, even though I have a very good memory otherwise. For this reason it is no different to me to listen to rap in other languages, and I have gotten into French and African rap somewhat.

The songs I like are few and far between. I rarely like more than one song off an album, even from an artist I like. I don't really know why I like certain songs, but I have noticed patterns.

I like rap songs that sample classical music or Arabaian/Indian music, I like remixes that pair rap with an old-school genre (ex. There is an album I like that is a mashup of Frank Sinatra + Notorious B.I.G.), I like very chilled-out beats mostly, but also some gangsta shit.

The problem is that most people say "check out this artist" or "check out this album" and they are basically telling me to search through a ton of songs to possibly find one or two I like. That is why I was wondering if there was a different sort of internet method to search based on song qualities.


Combustion free since '09
My best way of finding new music is to go over the network into my 17yr old son's music folder. When he was very young I started him on my likes....60's & up.... Heavy on the AC/DC and the likes. Now he turns me on to the new harder stuff that I wouldn't hear on the radio!

My husband hates to ride in a vehicle with me....I've always got Godsmack or whatever else cranked up!

I like reggae, blues, etc. but my heart belongs to rock....no sappy shit ballads tho :D


Well-Known Member
Just to follow up, the Public Radio I listen to, gave me Cedar Watson, for an hour yesterday, interview and mucho musico, semi-live. And it gave me 10 Foot Ganga Plants today, some are former members of John Brown's Body, Kingston??? You gotta love that for a band name.

Lyrics are for emotional pull. And commercial reasons. Real music is under all that.


Ia! Ia! Vapor Fthagn!
i dig 10ft Ganga Plant.
I normally tack down eclectic internet radio stations to find new music. I also use the radio section of my itunes a lot.
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