Warning about method: "How to re-seat a loose, rattling heatsink"PD/MZ


Well-Known Member
I am a long time lurker here but have been motivated to sign up and post this.

I found this thead a few days ago: http://www.fuckcombustion.com/viewtopic.php?id=3429
It's been archived and closed now otherwise I would post there.

I would like to warn people about using this method. I seem to have caused my PD to crack in 2 places using a small screwdriver and hammer to try and tap the snap ring down. I read the thread a few days ago and thought it was a good idea even though I have some snap ring pliers that I could have done it with.

If you are going to try the tap method at least make sure your pd is cool. It may have helped.

Pictures(2 seperate cracks started on opposite sides of eachother around the snap ring):


In case you are wondering I very gently tapped with the hammer, infact the heat sink assembly is still a bit loose because I stopped as soon as I noticed the cracks after the first few taps.

Be careful.
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