Vestratto Powerful Portable IH in Development


Cognitive Dissonance D 5 +
John of Vestratto released a video yesterday of an early prototype of a IH that he hopes to have released later this year.

After watching the video it's apparent he is building what the vape community has been waiting for: a portable IH that can quickly and efficiently bring to temp these butane hungry, heat absorbing next gen stick vapes. Appears he has for now scrapped the plans of developing a desk top model, and is focused on this powerful hand held device.

John’s decision to power this unit with industry standard, construction tool batteries that are easily obtainable at hardware or online stores is a big, big break through IMO. Vestratto will definitely have bragging rights for developing the most powerful portable IH the moment it’s released. The goal of 300 watts of power is an enormous advantage for heat up times over the current 75 watt ceiling that current IH units offer.

Really looking forward to getting use to 13 to 20 second heat up times, and the more convection oriented draws. Although the final form factor will certainly end up larger than my Wand, it none the less should be manageable for travel. Being able to not only use it on the Anvil but also my Dani collection, Thermal Accumulator, Stunner, likely the DV’s and all the rest of the butane guzzling stick vapes in the pipeline is an added bonus.

2023 is coming along nicely as another good year for vape enthusiasts!

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