Vaporizer acronyms; Non-Smokers; QWERTY phone dialing


god of nerds
Some of my more recent ponderings...

1) Not trying to be a dick...

Why is a Silver Surfer an SSV, a Buddha a DBV... BUT a Vapor bros is a VB (not VBV) or a Vapor genie is a VG... Hot Box is HB... etc. Why do only the SS and DB get that magical 'v' indicator... It's kinda weird. Normally i'm all pissy and technical when i'm sober. But for some reason, this naming convention only gets on my nerves when i'm high. It's all part of the mystery i think.

2) Has anyone here, or anyone you know:

a) never smoked anything, and first enjoyed weed using a vape.
b) had smoked in the past, quit, and then came back thanks to a vape.

3) Ok most phones have letters printed on the digits... abc def, etc so that #'s like 1-800-POOTY can be dialed with little effort. However, there are certain phones coming about, with qwerty keyboards. SOME of them let you punch in a P when you need to dial a P. others would insist you hit 7. How the shit do people tolerate THAT !?!!?!. I mean, i'd have to THINK in order to dial that. Or print a reference thingy.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnyhoo, i'm going to let some people think about those now. And reply and whatnot.


Well-Known Member
McNerdius said:
Some of my more recent ponderings...

1) Not trying to be a dick...

Why is a Silver Surfer an SSV, a Buddha a DBV... BUT a Vapor bros is a VB (not VBV) or a Vapor genie is a VG... Hot Box is HB... etc. Why do only the SS and DB get that magical 'v' indicator... It's kinda weird. Normally i'm all pissy and technical when i'm sober. But for some reason, this naming convention only gets on my nerves when i'm high. It's all part of the mystery i think.
Probably because the Silver Surfer is called the "Silver Surfer Vaporizer" by the company that makes it, along with DBV being "Da Buddha Vaporizer". The Vapor Genie isn't called "the Vapor Genie Vaporizer" by its manufacturer, just simply "Vapor Genie". So, Silver Surfer Vaporizer = SSV, Da Buddha Vaporizer = DBV, Vapor Genie = VG, etc.


your fucking insane :tinfoil:

...haha just playen' around man...but seriously look at what you just typed up. its a trip

thanks for the late night laugh :lol:



god of nerds
dudewhodidstuff said:
Probably because the Silver Surfer is called the "Silver Surfer Vaporizer" by the company that makes it, along with DBV being "Da Buddha Vaporizer". The Vapor Genie isn't called "the Vapor Genie Vaporizer" by its manufacturer, just simply "Vapor Genie". So, Silver Surfer Vaporizer = SSV, Da Buddha Vaporizer = DBV, Vapor Genie = VG, etc.
AHHA ! Wow. Official product names, who'd have thought. I don't know, it seems easy enough to me to call a Silver Surfer Vaporizer a Silver Surfer and a Vapor Genie a Vapor Genie Vaporizer. They're all vaporizers... I know it's moot and pointless. After all, i'm sober now.

*turns on vape*
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