I'm about to make the leap to a vaporizer and have been reading this incredible website for a while now. I'm looking for something well made, easy to use, and something I can travel with every so often--not necessarily something small and portable, but something that I can bring into nice hotels that might not look too incriminating if spied by the hotel staff, etc. (I don't want something that looks like a bong.) The Solo is a real possibility, though I wish the FC discussion was more consistently positive. The Volcano looks too big. The viVape looks like it might be a possibility; it's not small, but could almost pass for a computer tablet or something (especially if it didn't have the logo).
There doesn't seem to be much talk about the viVape. I can wait a few weeks for the release, hoping for reviews, but I'm wondering if someone can say a general word about Vaporfection. I've done searches and it seems like a solid company with some good models in the past, but I'm not finding a lot. Basically, here's my question: is there reason to hope that this machine will be what it promises to be--a high-end, quality, user-friendly vaporizer?