Completed Vaponic Plus + 1 Vaponic + MistVape Heater + 9 coils from MistVape + Sinuous P80 avec Arctic Fox configuré


Well-Known Member
hey guys,

Well... it probably breaks my heart even more to part with this pack than the TP80.

I sell everything as a bundle, no retail items.
Ability to include items in the transaction to lower the price.

I never thought I'd part with this setup... Guess I don't want to collect anymore...
And we have to face the facts, he was put in the closet... It's too bad for him, so I'm selling him.

Production of the Vaponic+ has been discontinued.
This is one of the very last copies to have been sold.
It has some dark marks (visible in the photos).

The Mistvape heater is a test unit, manufactured shortly before marketing. An o-ring was added later in the design.

I bought 10 coils from Mistvape afterwards. They really last a long time... there's plenty to see coming.

The sinuous P80 is an excellent box mod that is no longer marketed. He's in perfect condition. It has honestly been used very little, except for a period of several months.
ArcticFox is installed and configured. There may be slight adjustments to be made depending on your preferences.

I will obviously be able to transmit all the essential information exchanged with Mistvape for the configuration of the mod box and the coil.

There is a Vaponic OG in the lot.
There is also a replacement outer tube, 4 or 5 large screens, 3 or 4 small screens, a vaponic tool, cleaning brushes. (It was in the vaponic pouch when I took my pictures... I can take a picture if needed. ).

Here, I may have forgotten some details... or important things. Do not hesitate to contact me.

Important: this is not a pack accessible to everyone... you have to be able to tinker a little - it's very simple - but above all to know a little about it. When you know the basics, it's not rocket science, but if you don't know anything about electronic cigarette coils and the relative dangers they can cause, it's not for you.)

Since almost nothing of what is offered in this pack is produced, I am selling at the original selling price.

- Vaponic + 80 euros
-Vaponic heater 100USD
-9 coils 100USD
-Vaponic OG 40 euros
-Sinuous P80 Mod Box 80euros

Total: 400euros / 762CAD

PayPal transactions. Paypal fee (3%) at buyer's expense.
Careful packaging, after an iso alcohol bath. Shipping costs borne by the buyer (mandatory tracking number and recommended limited insurance).

Thanks for reading.
Happy vaping everyone!
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