Tek Vaping hash with a ball vape


New Member
I'm going to try to explain and demonstrate how i vape hash using a diffuser style ball vape. I'm using a ruby twist with the glass microdose bowl, I'm running the pid at 525°F, it can definitely go hotter without combusting but i find its heavy on my chest if i go too hot. I'm actually running this vape about 25 degrees cooler than i do when i vape flower which I believe goes against the general consensus of how to vape hash, i've heard many say they go hotter with hash than with flower.

I replaced the gem cut rubies with 3mm balls, and changed the screen that holds them to be more open. I only mention this because with this particular vape i felt it needed the air flow to be a bit more open for vaping hash. My best guess is it's because as the hash vapes the plant material contaminate will separate from the resin, and that material becomes a very fine dust that will cause the bong to feel kind of blocked if the airflow through the ball vape is too restricted.

Other than having to increase the airflow i find this vape and the microdose bowl to be a perfect set up for this. I particularly like using the basket screen and feel that it makes this set up perfect because it contains the mess and allows the vape to work on the hash by trapping the resin in the mesh as it melts, and as i stir it into the screen. I haven't used one yet but it looks like the taroma 360 should be a perfect vape for this without needing to modify it so that's what I'd recommend.

To set up the bowl which is a 12mm rimless basket screen i used scissors to trim a 2nd screen so it fits into the bottom of the basket screen. Its slightly concaved and I use this to lock the 2nd screen in place so it doesn't move, this just makes life easier and makes it a bit smoother, I'm not sure why.

My best guess is this process is separating the plant material from the resin, while the resin drips into and gets trapped in the 2 screens below while the contaminate sits on top. I guess it's similar to what's happening when vaping cotton is used, the resin kind of wicks into the cotton separating it from the contaminate. If the 2nd screen isn't used it still works particularly with less melty grades of hash. However I find The 2nd screen is worth the trouble as it seems to mean my chest doesn't get that heavy feeling so much. I guess without the 2nd screen the resin that's still unvaped gets soaked into the plant material making it harsher but i don't know for sure.

The technique is quite simple all i do is get the hash hot and melty by doing what's known as a heat soak, this just means i attach the vape to the bowl so the bowl heats up the hash. When its bubbling i stir the hash around the bowl. This causes the resin to stick to the screens, i try cover the entire screen to get the best from it. At this point you can just hit it to get very thick vapor or you can do another short heat soak to get a bit thicker vapor. Then i stir the plant material to break it up after each hit to get every last bit of vapor. All that remains after is vaped hash dust.

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