Vaping and depression


unknown. unmember.
I also feel with Americans on a cocktail of drugs for other conditions it's hard to see which ones are helping. Most drug approvals were testing just on that drug. The effect of mixing different medications with themselves now you add cannabis to the mix only you can judge how it affects the headspace.
You are quite right that there can be interactions between cannabis (both CBD and THC for different reasons) and MANY pharmaceuticals - people should really inform themselves about side affects and interactions of their 'cocktails'.
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I think there's certainly a link. I vaped through a lot of my twenties and then became a very occasional user for a few years. Meaning there would sometimes be 6-month spans between consuming. It was nice because I'd never plan to vape it'd just be something that would pop in my head and I'd be like yeah let's do that. Recently, I've fallen into vaping the majority of the week and I find myself thinking about vaping during the day and feeling I have to in the evening. Personally, I no longer like the feeling of something having any "control" over me. So I need to step back and really dial back my usage again. Vaping daily makes me a very passive person which I'm not a fan of. I've always been envious of those who can vape daily and stay productive. Not to mention the highs become very dull to me overtime. It's much more enjoyable when it's an occasional spure of the moment type deal. Anyways, I know I rambled a bunch and didn't even touch on the subject.

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
I'm so fucking depressed it scares even my therapists. I just can't cope with the role humanity has claimed in the ecosystem, and what is called civilization.

I haven't found any DSM medication that works. Cannabis does work for mood regulation. It lifts just a little of that depression weight to help me get through the day. I prefer being high most of the time because of this.


Cannabis does work for mood regulation. It lifts just a little of that depression weight to help me get through the day. I prefer being high most of the time because of this.

Used to be crazy depressed myself and have long used this forum and vaping as a cope, we even had a depression thread where we'd vent and support each other (yeah this website is way different today than it used to be)

What I couldn't see for the last ten years is that once I was high I would very often ruminate on these negative thoughts and in hindsight was probably making things worse.

I never really saw it like that though. I felt better and relieved in the moment, from the comfortably numb effects and depersonalization; and as long as I was perpetually stoned, things were "alright"

But there has long been an underlying feeling that something was still wrong.

I know many long termers from here who have shared similar sentiments with me personally.

Some people are super good at moderating and would probably never have an issue ever. Others are incapable. Not everybody takes things to the end of the rope, depends on your personality.

As the token Cali stoner dude, with the rasta t shirt, dreads down to my ass, and then even building 8 different versions of my own vape, I took things as far as you can possibly go to the point the cannabis overtook my own personal identity. Cannabis is great, getting vaped is awesome, chatting with likeminded bros is fantastic - but lets not let this be all that we have left - at least, I wouldn't recommend it.

I've been doing some healing sessions with psilocybe capsules recently and they have helped me realize that I no longer wish to maintain the same relationship with cannabis that I've had for so long. Just turned 31, many of my friends are getting married, kinda hard to not feel a bit left behind. All I've been working on is a desktop vape project. I mean it seemed rewarding and fulfilling at the time, but it's not the same thing as being in love 😳

I've never felt so much existentialism in my life as being this close to getting this vape company finally going, yet feeling like I have a pretty real problem with cannabis abuse. I know I just "tested myself" to death trying to make something cool people would like.

At this point I really just don't want to be claimed by either side. I don't want to have to quit entirely because I can't control myself, but I don't want to keep going overboard cause I'm in too deep either. And this strange and peculiar perception of time, where the days go by slowly, but the years just absolutely fly by. The fact that I spent over 3 years on my desktop vape project doesn't even really make sense to me, I have no idea where the time went. I find cannabis gives me awesome ideas and creativity, but then I struggle to ever really pursue or finish them. I just keep coming up with more great ideas. That's why I have 500 vape designs and nothing in stock in my store.

Kind of a lot more I could say but I guess I've said enough for now, feel free to reach out if you wanna talk more about it. I do believe cannabis can be used successfully for depression, but we have to be mindful of taxing our bodies reward system if we are already feeling down low to begin with.

Abele Rizieri Ferrari

Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for taking the time to write this up <3 it means a lot to me
I felt better and relieved in the moment, from the comfortably numb effects and depersonalization; and as long as I was perpetually stoned, things were "alright"

Yeah this is it.

What I couldn't see for the last ten years is that once I was high I would very often ruminate on these negative thoughts and in hindsight was probably making things worse.

I agree that the excessive use that that the chase for that feeling of relief can ultimately lead to a state of mind and behavior that prevents recovery. I have actually just started a more controlled and limited intake, so I hope to get it a bit more under control. When you're always high it becomes the normal, but your perception and how you process that will still be in that stoned state.

As the token Cali stoner dude, with the rasta t shirt, dreads down to my ass, and then even building 8 different versions of my own vape, I took things as far as you can possibly go to the point the cannabis overtook my own personal identity. Cannabis is great, getting vaped is awesome, chatting with likeminded bros is fantastic - but lets not let this be all that we have left - at least, I wouldn't recommend it.

I started smoking j's at 14 and since then have been off cannabis many times, also for periods of a few years.

I am by the way diagnosed with a mood disorder. My depression is kind of flowing together with a stimulated feeling and loss of impulse control, with sometimes more stimulated leaning but most of the time heavily leaning toward the depression. It can be quite frightening, the loss of impulse control with severe depression.

Four years ago my depression got so bad I pretty much dropped out of life. It feels like my body and mind have been rotting away since. And I guess that's true. Lying down all the time has fucked up my posture so bad. Eating snacks for food has made me gain weight. I used to write poetry, I've written a novel that was pretty much done before depression hit.. all that creativity, I don't even know how to reach it anymore. Depression has been more detrimental to my identity than vaping. I don't really bother with identity anymore as I'm pretty much a recluse anyway. But yeah to combine all that depression with vaping doesn't necessarily help in the long run.

Anyway, during these four years I've taken breaks as well, the longest was probably about half a year. It didn't help my depression unfortunately. So I picked it up angain and the relief of like you said, things at least being alright, it's hard to resist and not let grow into an excess.

I've been doing some healing sessions with psilocybe capsules recently and they have helped me realize that I no longer wish to maintain the same relationship with cannabis that I've had for so long. Just turned 31, many of my friends are getting married, kinda hard to not feel a bit left behind. All I've been working on is a desktop vape project. I mean it seemed rewarding and fulfilling at the time, but it's not the same thing as being in love 😳
I understand. I'm personally not appealed by marriage (been there) or even love right now. Partially because of low self esteem resulting from that feeling of rotting away, but also because of my prescription drugs. (I am changing meds rn though, so hopefully that will improve the latter.) And I hate hate hate procreation so no fomo for that either.

I am glad you are coming to these realizations and hope you will get to a place where you find happiness in real shit like love. I've experienced that, love for the sake of love. It's amazing. Teaming up with someone like that is unreal.

I've never felt so much existentialism in my life as being this close to getting this vape company finally going, yet feeling like I have a pretty real problem with cannabis abuse. I know I just "tested myself" to death trying to make something cool people would like.

Yes that sounds like a challenging mix, trying to regulate your intake while making vapes.. I have been thinking of getting into cbd flower more, because I love vaping for more reasons than just the effects.

And this strange and peculiar perception of time, where the days go by slowly, but the years just absolutely fly by.
Omg yes. Just yesterday I realized I've almost been on the government's teet as long as I was working for my last employer. It's crazy how long my time at that job seems compared to the time I've been out of it. Not doing shit probably has that effect.
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