unflushed for cooking?

chris 71

Well-Known Member
hi just wondering something, and was hoping someone here might be able to help.
ok.. so i have some bud that i suspect is not flushed. the reason i suspect this is because i smoked some of it in a joint and it had that black ash and a sort of taste. it did burn ok but not like some other bud i got from my despencery. i just recently joined a club so now have access to some hopefully better stuff.
i have been doing reserch online and have come accross the debates as to weather it even matters if it is flushed or not, so i am aware of this as well. but i am trying to do what ever i can to lessen any bad health effects. so im wondering what i could do with this last bit of bud that was street bought.
dont get me wrong it was real dank strong stuff, but i just question it a bit. so if i used it to make edibles or tincture would this be any better health wise, if there indeed was something wrong with this bud, flushing wise or perhapes if it had been treated for mites or something using undesierable methods. and just how often would you say that weed growers have to use methods to treat pest is it a very probable thing to have to get rid of pest while growing. thanks for any info or advice
chris 71,


vapor accessory addict
One thing that might help is to give your herb a water cure. The thread that explains how is here. If chemicals were used, it will help flush them out. Your herb will be left with little to no smell or taste, but will still be effective.

And, now that you are getting good bud, you really should consider switching over to vapor. You will be amazed at the taste and how much better you will feel.

Good luck. :)

chris 71

Well-Known Member
thanks momofthegoons im reading the water cure thread rite now looks like the perfect thing for me to try seeing as i was almost thinking of just chucking it. which would really suck as its about a half oz and is real potent.
as for the vapor i am slowly switching i have been experimenting with vapor for a year now but i do keep switching back and forth with smoking sometimes i do go for more then a couple weeks just vapor.
chris 71,


vapor accessory addict
It was easy for me to make the change because I either had to find an alternative way to ingest or quit. Otherwise, I would probably not have made the change. Now that I have, I am so glad!

The trick is to go smoke free for several weeks. Usually, people will find that they no longer like the taste or high as much when smoking after some time off. There are the few that still like to do both, however. For me, after one month of vaping exclusively, I never went back. I cannot stand the taste of a blunt now and will pass rather than smoke. I'm not saying that I took to vaping right away. On the contrary. The first time I tried it I thought it wasn't for me at all.

And look at me now.... not only am I a vape convert and vapor accessory addict, I mod a fucking vaporizer forum. I call that a complete conversion! :lol:
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