Uhm, I combusted with a Volc....


Well-Known Member
I do not know how to start this thread. And better here then reddit as I feel they would rip me apart.
So, I took Sozo One Green 7g keif it was on sale so I got twice for 80 ood.
elevated exotixs, I get their bubble hash, the 10g by fello.

I saw a vid, (yeah youtube) so I boiled water, used parchment, and well neither did what I wanted.
So okay, well, they are now more eh, condesed. Stuck a bit in the volc. Hybrid. Filled this time four bags, 2 at 410, 3 at 423, thought alright 446 its is.
I am using a puck of the bubble hash I rolled over with, and it did catch and combust.

This tells me, the stuff I "rolled" condesned it much bettrer, but because of the amount of plant matter in it, using that puck in the volc, caused the combuston because it was condesned and with plant matter?
Did I ansnwer my question? Thakns.


Serial vapist
Condensed puck of bubble hash sounds like it has potential to obstruct airflow enough to promote uneven heating, especially once melted. On top of that, in my opinion, 446 is a temperature that is risking combustion if there is plant material in the bowl actually reaching that temperature. I think your assessment is probably pretty accurate. Breaking the hash into small chunks might help the airflow move through more evenly if you don't put too much in. I would probably also try not to go too far above 420, if that temperature is accurate to the temperatures being reached in the bowl. I have never used a Volcano though so I'm not personally familiar with what it's capable of at what temperature settings.
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