TSA May Allow Patients to Fly with MMJ


Well-Known Member
Holy shit that's bad ass I cant wait to get vaporizered on flight. Talk about being the clouds, and man Im here in GA and http://www.thedailychronic.net/2013/25057/georgias-plan-to-legalize-medical-marijuana/ bro the south will toke again!

I have a feeling using your meds on a flight would be the quickest way to get the policy reversed, or at least to find yourself in handcuffs. TSA is talking about allowing patients to travel with their meds, not use them during travel. I'm sure the moment mmj becomes a nuisance to any other customer on a flight, this policy becomes easy to toss out the window. So I'd suggest leaving bud and vapes packed away in your carry-on. If you need to medicate in-flight, there are better alternatives (i.e. edibles, pills, tinctures, etc.).
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Captain Comply

Wellness over intoxication
I would be very interested to know the actual law on the subject. Being a medical card holder and flying to another medical state would be very Therapeutic. The only two states that I know that are reciprocal are Nevada and Maine. So being able to fly with a small amount of medicine from say Massachusetts to California would be great!

Be Well and make someone happy
Captain Comply,
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