transporting herbage?


Well-Known Member
I think mods said anything except growing discussion is ok, but mods is this ok?

I'm looking for opinions on best ways to get herbage home. I have driven to CO from MN but it's a 2000 mile trip :(

My belief is having a couple oz in the car, secured away in smellproof bag, along with absolutely no using on the drive is 100X the safest.

I'm not keen on another drive right now and there are some cheapo fares for flying to Denver.

Is it safer to :
- fly the herbs home, in smellproof JyARZ? Checked baggage or carry-on?
- or mail them home? A couple oz packages, best with USPS or UPS or Fedex?
- a 2 oz balloon in my stomach--just kidding

My medical conditions don't qualify for MN's meager mmj and I have no street contacts so CO dispensaries are my current solution.
Jealous of you legal state folks as frankly, this method sucks big-time, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do these days....

thanks for any opinions as both these options kinda scare me


Well-Known Member
I'm In Canada. I buy most of my meds from Dispensaries that are located at the other end of the country. They use Canada Post. I've never had any issues. Everything has always arrived on time.

Canada Post like USPS cannot easily open your package. Nor are they in the business of monitoring parcel contents.

I would vacuum seal your bud in two or three vacuum bags before packing it up. There will be no smell to give you away.


Vapor Sloth
Driving can be tricky as states that border CO are looking for out of state plates coming from CO through their territory. They make a business of busting people on the highway so if doing this its triple vacuum seal, then put in a thermos or cooler, or both, in the trunk disguised appropriately with food or something. Although if they have gone as far as searching your car they will probably find it no matter what you do.

Flying would be quicker and probably safer since when leaving CO, and going through security, your cargo is legal as long as you don't go over the weight limit for local possession laws. Carry on or check in is a hard question, larger amounts might be better in your luggage, just make sure it's smell proof and the Jarz don't have a weird x-ray signature. DEA does have dogs at some airports but the majority of dogs you see are trained for explosives, their components, and residues. If you are caught TSA will turn you over to local law enforcement.

Mail might be the safest option, however, USPS does x-ray packages and they do intercept drugs all the time. I don't think they prosecute, they just destroy the package contents.


Vape Wizard
Accessory Maker
they just destroy the package contents.
And by this I assume you mean.... :brow:



Well-Known Member
I feel that driving is risky. I remember you saying you were going but don't remember the details of whether you were driving or flying.
As others mentioned, neighboring states have been harassing drivers with Nebraska being especially bad. If you're driving a rental car leaving Colorado it's like a sign to Nebraska troopers.
USPS can be risky as well but may be the best bet. Do you have an address besides your own you can mail the package?


Well-Known Member
As others mentioned, neighboring states have been harassing drivers with Nebraska being especially bad. If you're driving a rental car leaving Colorado it's like a sign to Nebraska troopers.
On my two previous trips, Nebraska was always my biggest worry and a big sigh of relief after getting thru it and it is really really looooong.
In researching the drive, Nebraska uses really shitty tactics like:
- if you pass a vehicle on the freeway and stay in the passing lane 1 nanosecond too long--- pull you over and shake you down
- they post a freeway sign "Drug enforcement checkpoint 5 miles ahead" when there is an exit 1 mile ahead. They shake down all who take the exit AND there is no checkpoint 5 miles ahead :(
- if you have license plates from states east of Neb, you are obviously running drugs. If you have plates from CO you are obviously running drugs. If you have Neb plates you are obviously running drugs.
- one person who got busted in Neb even had a copy of High Times confiscated as "drug paraphernalia"

On previous trips I had a carbon lined smellproof bag with just under an oz as 1 oz + was a fricken felony in some of the states :(
That's an expensive oz in time, money, effort, anxiety and general BS to get some natural medicine.

Legalization needs to spread but midwest is behind the curve on that.


Dharma Initiate
This is pretty disheartening to be honest; I had thought about driving the 3kish round trip to check out Denver and hopefully bring something back with me, but sounds sketchy..........I don't like attracting unwanted attention. That said, my Google Maps does not go through Nebraska.

I won some smell proof bags on reddit through Interplanatary Development. I believe they are the 4/6. These can hold a half oz, though they are pretty stuffed. They also work wonderfully. If you were to put your nose to where you seal it and sniff, you may get some residual odor but by and large I don't find they leak smell out. They are my go to when transporting herb in my car and I simply just keep it in my center console cause not worried about the smell and I don't smoke in my car so no reason for them to search.

I got pulled over with some weed in the trunk, think only a half? I had it in a jar in a backpack, in my trunk, with a bunch of other bags as I was traveling home from out of town. No issues, because car didn't smell. You don't need to go through many steps, just make it smell proof so it doesn't leak in your car, don't need to hide it too much IMO. If they are searching your car, you will be fucked regardless, so the goal is to not give them a reason to search the car.

I would never fly with buds/wax, but I am 25 and without much life experience LOL. Maybe when I get older and more comfortable with it/airport. I haven't flown since before 9/11 so it's been awhile.....

Mailing via USPS should be pretty safe, but I would be sketched about that too because over state lines I think could consistent felony depending on amount.....don't think it's that huge an amount either (1oz?) Get a vacuum sealer and seal em up, and just ship in a box. Guy I used to buy weed from used to (still may to my knowledge as haven't seen him in a while) get lbs in the mail from CA/OR and has never been fucked, though maybe he's on a watch list or something... Vacuum sealed in a box with some other shit on top typically porn mags tbh LOL. Not sure why......but he had stacks of Hustlers from these boxes lol. I don't believe they were double or triple vac'd, but they may have been.

Wax is even easier as they would just stick vacuum packs in the magazines.

So the car is probably the safest option IMO, although the most work. even throw some work shit in it if you need an alibi....when I got pulled coming home from out of town I had my hardhat and work boots and toolbag, duffle bag for cloths, etc. Cop asked where I was coming from, and told him I was doing work in X city and was on way home. Was the most stress free cop experience I ever had in the car and I had more shit in the car that time than any other. But the other times I was more careless and wasn't taking proper precautions.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Police or State Patrol can't have mass drug enforcement check points. That would be infringing on your rights. That would be an illegal search.

I wouldnt fall for the drug enforcement check stations.

When we travel I use the CVaults and have that packed in with my clothes. I'm not traveling the boarder states of Colorado.
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Well-Known Member
Police or State Patrol can't have mass drug enforcement check points. That would be infringing on your rights. That would be an illegal search.
City of Indianapolis v. Edmond made the random drug search checkpoint illegal. Police adapted to the decision and came up with the trick mentioned.

However, the mere fact one pulls off (Even if it is to an unused road that never gets any traffic.), does not rise to a "reasonable suspicion" those in the vehicle are committing a crime which is necessary to make a stop legal. There must be something else. No glove in the glove box or sun in the sun visor; anything at all. Many arrests begin with a license plate light out.

Note that if the checkpoint is "designed to serve special needs, beyond the normal need for law enforcement", it is legal. But because DUI checkpoints are legal through Michigan Dept. of State Police v. Sitz that held the state's interest in reducing drunk driving outweighs the "minor infringement" on a driver, and walking a dog around a stopped vehicle is not a search (By other decisions.), I wonder if some clever police department will fund a DUI checkpoint and just happen to have a drug dog walking around--making things all Constitutional and everything.


Well-Known Member
Vacuum sealed in a box with some other shit on top typically porn mags tbh LOL. Not sure why......but he had stacks of Hustlers from these boxes lol.

They go together??? Bud porn and porn porn???

It's just a total bummer, not living in a legal state!

If I fly out next time, mailing via USPS or packing in luggage for plane ride home are both scarey deals BUT less scarey than trying to buy on the streets here in MN, and at 67 years old I would not even now where to go LOL.

Hoping for more legal states in near future, and states closer to MN than CO!

On last trip to CO I even checked into CO MMJ program but you had to be a resident/ have a CO mailing address to get enrolled. That sucked IMO as you don't have to be a CO resident to take part in their legal rec program.

Here's to all the cannabis ballot states passing their med and legal initiatives.


Well-Known Member
They go together??? Bud porn and porn porn???

It's just a total bummer, not living in a legal state!

Hoping for more legal states in near future, and states closer to MN than CO!

Have you considered Michigan? Shorter drive and their MMJ law has reciprocity. If you can get a MMJ card from California, or any other state, they would honor that in Michigan. I'm thinking non residents can get a card in California.


Dharma Initiate
Have you considered Michigan? Shorter drive and their MMJ law has reciprocity. If you can get a MMJ card from California, or any other state, they would honor that in Michigan. I'm thinking non residents can get a card in California.

Pretty intrigued by this.....I know for sure its easy peasy to get a card in CA if you are visiting....not sure if they will send it to you via mail though or where to look.....that said, Michigan is MUCH shorter drive for me


Well-Known Member
Have you considered Michigan? Shorter drive and their MMJ law has reciprocity. If you can get a MMJ card from California, or any other state, they would honor that in Michigan. I'm thinking non residents can get a card in California.

Now there's an interesting idea as a way to get qualified for MI MMJ.

Any Cali FCers know if non-residents can get MMJ reg in CA?
I'm thinking @FlyingLow got CA MMJ but I thought he moved there/ became a resident there???

And the CA MMJ qualif would need to go beyond "reciprocity". It would need to be available for non-residents who have verified med conditions that qualif them for CA program.

Google time, I'll search some....

In CO a senior can get a State ID for like $5, if you had a CO mailing addy and claimed to be a resident with proof being a rent statement or bill to that addy. They'd mail ID to that addy
Then you needed a state ID plus qualifying med condition to get MMJ card.
Residency rules suck suck suck


taste buds
Michigan only offers reciprocity for states that also offer it, so California won't work. Dispensaries are currently unregulated so anything could be possible depending on where you go.

As for transportation, if it was me I would vacuum seal it, put that inside a Gonzo bags, and put that inside a Dime Bag.

The key is if you get pulled over, don't act nervous and have a good cover story. If anything act a little indignant and overconfident. Your age may be a helpful factor.

If I had a large quantity I would rather risk a dog than let them search my vehicle. I'm not a lawyer so don't take my word but I've heard they need a warrant if it is in the trunk or in a locked case. If you've managed to make it truly smell proof the dog might be the best option.

This is definitely risky business, but so is obtaining cannabis in a non-legal state. The total overall risk of this method might be much lower than repeated purchases from the black market.
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Well-Known Member
If I had a large quantity I would rather risk a dog than let them search my vehicle. I'm not a lawyer so don't take my word but I've heard they need a warrant if it is in the trunk or in a locked case. If you've managed to make it truly smell proof the dog might be the best option.
I would never consent to a search. In possession or no. Dogs are really good at smelling. There should be contests on best ways to wrap it to keep the dogs from smelling it. It would not be an easy contest.

As to the depends. The 4th amendment is a totality of the facts and circumstances argument about what is "reasonable". Because the inherent mobility of the car, there is the motor vehicle exception to the law where all an officer needs is probable cause to believe the vehicle contains contraband to do a search. Lots of cases where "plain smell" gave the police probable cause. If the driver is arrested, the police can search (as long as Gant is not implicated) everywhere the driver could have gotten to. While that may not extend to the trunk unless there was probable cause to believe something was in there, when the car is seized, the police can do an inventory search of every bit of it as part of its community care-taking function.


Vapor Sloth
If I had a large quantity I would rather risk a dog than let them search my vehicle.
The dogs always win. Not a good choice imho.
Dogs are really good at smelling.
Yes they are. Here is what researchers say:

"dogs can detect some odors in parts per trillion. What does that mean in terms we might understand? Well, in her book Inside of a Dog, Alexandra Horowitz, a dog-cognition researcher at Barnard College, writes that while we might notice if our coffee has had a teaspoon of sugar added to it, a dog could detect a teaspoon of sugar in a million gallons of water, or two Olympic-sized pools worth"

"Experts have reported incredible true stories about the acuteness of dogs' sense of smell. There's the drug-sniffing dog that "found" a plastic container packed with 35 pounds of marijuana submerged in gasoline within a gas tank."

I believe that if a dog alerts on your vehicle that is considered probable cause to search.

I would never try to fool a dog, ever.

More info here:


well-worn member
The only thing that defeats the dog is a stronger more distracting smell. That's why bounce sheets are so popular for this purpose, they're excellent at masking odors. I have experience with this, it works.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I had thought Arizona honored a cannabis medical card from another state. You can only have your own cannabis within the state. Not buy from a dispensary. I want to be able to travel along the pacific coastline without any fear. That would include Adizona too.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
I'm thinking non residents can get a card in California.

I spent some months in CA early part of year. My med card was no good from WA. Only residents could get a card then. I don't believe Oregon does, either, but I could be wrong. Nevada allows reciprocity.


Vapor Sloth
Oregon stopped issuing medical cards to non residents on Jan 1st. Fortunately Oregon now allows recreational marijuana, and limited recreational marijuana sales started October 1st. That will help patients that are traveling for flower, but unfortunately won’t help patients that use other forms of cannabis, because early sales will only involve flower, plants, and seeds.
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