No OP, definitely not. Propane causes oxidation faster because it's at a higher temperature than butane (or heats it hotter or whatever it is) but other than that there's no real difference. The only thing you have to watch out for is MAPP gas which burns too hot and would risk structural damage to the titanium.
Quoted for Truth
Like diehard said,
most refined butane cans have propane in them already (Even vector has 10%).
You're [mostly] burning the same chemicals, either way.
Also, like hishighness said,
the issue with propane torches is the higher heat. Yes, it heats up your nail faster, but the excessive heat can accelerate TI oxidation - which ultimately can a nail's heat retention.
To be fair though, there are methods of using a propane flame that are not too excessive with heat.

EX. Using the tip of the outer light-blue flame on low VS using the tip of the inner white-blue flame on full blast.