rocking a custom F-F bowl very similar to the DDave adapter -- just wondering what the wand adds to the equation over the elbow pack in the stock elbow male-tube fitting?
I've got another male-tube adapter that isn't at an angle (shoots straight up) into which I could fit an elbow screen - would that be a similar effect, or is there something more special about the SSV wand?
Keep rockin' the mods! For science!
Hi TommydCat, The elbow pack with the F/F adapter worked very nicely. Then at the advice of Tweak (and idea of TMK), added the SSV Wand to the equation.
Differences noticed:
- Far less drag during a draw.
- elbow pack performance relating to vapor density
- greater taste during first draws
- worked well with large or small quantities of product
- much greater extraction per draw (nice clouds).
- ease of handling. (I dont stir any longer, just remove wand and shake. Double screen keeps all in place). Also, have not had the wand become too hot to touch, so easy to maneuver around too!
- more-even extraction (AVB consistant color, rather than difference that is seen by partial bowl processed and some remains green, unprocessed. Now ABV is a consistant color.).
One thing I noticed when I first switched over to the F/F adapter, since it simply had a large screen across the entire inside diameter, rather than an intrusive ledge as with the cyclone which redirected airflow, was that the Arizer heater seemed to allow air to flow unevenly towards the bowl & product. The product would pile up on one side of the F/F adapter, because more hot air was pushed from one side of the heater than the other. With current setup, F/F adapter and SSV Wand, probably due to leaving the screen in place in the F/F adapter and the elbow screen in the Wand,
believe the hot air is diffused much more evenly through the product. Resulting in more efficient and even extraction. This is only a theory surmised by watching the product move around in the Wand and checking the condition of the ABV after product is spent. Engineers, techies, please feel free to chime in!
And absolutely, all in the name of Science!