This is a introduction to the newest and greatest vaporizer on the market, still in testing phase but will soon be into manufacturing.
You dont need to have a bunch of batteries to be portable anymore.
technical information.
All medical grade parts, Delrin mouth piece Stainless steel screens.
Temperature range is going to be from 250-420, you can increase in 10F
On/off feature
2x18350 3.7v batteries AW IMR Safe chemistry batteries 700 mah rating.
Run time on full charge around 31 minutes idle.
We have done 4 bowls on a single set of batteries and they are still going, we think we can get 3 more bowls out of it before we need to recharge.
More information to come when we are done.
Little side note, this unit will run 15 minutes before it shuts down. We will reduce this to 5 minutes and 2 minute cool down period in between.
You dont need to have a bunch of batteries to be portable anymore.
technical information.
All medical grade parts, Delrin mouth piece Stainless steel screens.
Temperature range is going to be from 250-420, you can increase in 10F
On/off feature
2x18350 3.7v batteries AW IMR Safe chemistry batteries 700 mah rating.
Run time on full charge around 31 minutes idle.
We have done 4 bowls on a single set of batteries and they are still going, we think we can get 3 more bowls out of it before we need to recharge.
More information to come when we are done.
Little side note, this unit will run 15 minutes before it shuts down. We will reduce this to 5 minutes and 2 minute cool down period in between.