THC % of Flower (?)


Do you look for a particular percentage of THC in your herb? Do you balance it with the CBD in that lot?

I ask this from a combustion-going-to-vape point of view.

I noticed when combusting I would literally smoke myself straight if cannabis listed over 20% even with 0% CBD. I could do 3 ripping load sessions of 25% and within an hour of the last session I'd be straight as an arrow mentally within the hour yet physically still quite intoxicated. The 20% stuff just keeps adding onto the experience until I just zone out.

Vaping is different. It never gets to that very heady state that I can tell since I am still using the 20% herb. Does the percentage of THC make a huge difference in vaping? Does 25% THC just mean less vaping needed for the same experience?

I will note one thing; I spent nearly 6 months locking down the strain that would treat my medical needs. It is fortunately quite readily available but quality is all over the map. I can get 18% as easily as 28% but before I do, I thought I'd get your ideas on the subject.


Well-Known Member
I honestly have a hard time believing some of the stats put out by sellers. When they say a bud is 25% THC that means that if I extract an ounce, I should get 4 grams of pure THC in crystalline form. I highly doubt that would be the case most of the time.

I would believe if they said that 25% of the total Cannabinoids were THC, but they claim 25% of the entire bud's weight is THC, and I'm skeptical.


Vaping isn't as "full spectrum" as combustion! :rofl:

But, Fuck Combustion! :D

I'm getting the spectrum thing just fine. I found it to be a noteworthy tidbit when I zeroed in on this effect of these 'super plants'. I suspect the effect profile, rather I anticipate that the effect profile is much broader in the case of vaping. So I started with this query to know what people look for in nugs. Does the 'test level' of THC being reported make any difference to your daily enjoyment? BTW; I haven't combusted anything for over a month except the occasional flareup in the vape.

@EverythingsHazy I hear ya! But there is a definite there-there. I mean in the smoking one's self straight and it is always due to THC levels labeled over 20%. As to concentration of THC; by the same token, your ABV should weight that much less than it started out weighing. So am I vaping myself straight within only a few sessions at less than half the 'previous' dosage?


Well-Known Member
@EverythingsHazy I hear ya! But there is a definite there-there. I mean in the smoking one's self straight and it is always due to THC levels labeled over 20%. As to concentration of THC; by the same token, your ABV should weight that much less than it started out weighing. So am I vaping myself straight within only a few sessions at less than half the 'previous' dosage?
I'm not doubting your experience, nor am I saying that the numbers mean nothing. I just suspect that they aren't a straightforward measurement of dry weight percentage... at least in most cases.
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I was agreeing with you there @EverythingsHazy :cool: My ABV is definitely not 20% lighter after a full bake.

Now I'm gonna gave to find out how they dice up those percentages. It is likely that they are deducting cellulose weight which would make all the readings higher.

...this is interesting but not quite confirming:

...closer [warning-math involved!];

The conspiracy scoop you were alluding to;

The How testing is done;

Okay, not a straight forward quest.
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