Tempest Vape Signature Compared To Other Vapes?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if anyone could compare the Tempest vape signature to other vapes in terms of effects? Especiallly when comparing it to other convection vapes.

I have a vapcap which I know has a very different vape signature compared to my convection vapes. I also have a Lotus, Convector and Enano which all have various differences even though they are all convection (convector for example, I find to be the most heady and brightest). So does anyone have enough experience with the Tempest to compare its vape signature to other vapes? I'm wondering if it will be a redundant addition to my current collection or if it's different enough to justify picking up.


Active Member
I'm someone who also pays a lot of attention to vape signature, and I've sort of been chasing my perfect signature – the Tempest is a compelling contender. It's convection, so it's bright, but it's not an overly sharp bright as say the TM2. The Convector is a good comp, imo, although the Tempest is a little brighter, a little more round, and a little less heady. This turns out to be an important distinction for me, as the Convector's headiness started being a little too powerful for my tastes. The Tempest signature is a bit more balanced, in my opinion.

Another good comp for me is the Woodscents. To me, the Woodscents signature is the lightest and most mellow of all my vapes. My ultimate microdose, kick-back-and-chill vape, and maybe my favorite signature of all time (if only it had the Tempest ritual / portability!). The Tempest signature is like if the Woodscents signature was a little less mellow, a little more adventurous.

I think it's worth picking up. This stuff is all super subjective, but I think the subtle differences do matter to me. Also, I had an e-nano and sold it sometime ago. From what I remember of the E-nano signature, I would prefer the Tempest, although obviously take that with a grain of salt.

Also, not to take over your thread, but do you have both a Stainless Steel and a Titanium Convector by any chance? If so have you noticed any differences in the signatures? Thanks
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Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comparisons! Quite helpful.

I do have both but I've only ever used the titanium tbh. I've just liked the titanium enough to not even bother trying the stainless steel. So I do own an ss but can't really compare the two because of a lack of experience lol, sorry dude. I'll probably resort to it at some point if my ti one is dirty and I'm feeling too lazy to clean it lol.
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