Sweatpants: the ultimate rejection of status quo


Well-Known Member
That's right. All you have to do to truly upset the status quo is wear sweatpants. I don't mean at home or just certain times... I mean rejecting modern fashion and the concept of "acceptable attire"

Why are cotton pants with a drawstring so unacceptable?

Because they identify you as a poor. Poor people wear plain simple clothes.

That's why businesses want you in a suit or uniform. So their image is improved... not yours.

Why do we feel the need to present a specific image that is in fact false? Why wear trendy or popular clothing knowing it is less than comfortable? Ironically with new trends in fashion I find it fascinating that women can be nearly undress or at least.... not leaving much to the imagination with trends like yoga pants.... but yet still the concept of simple plain unmarked unbranded or undesigned cotton drawstring pants remains a social fopaux and is very unacceptable in many lines of work....

in most of the jobs I've had i would have been more productive in more comfortable attire... and yet even in a warehouse that no one but a couple coworkers ever even entered we were still required to dress in a specific dress pants and Polo shirt... even when temperature were well over 100°F on the mezzanine still I had to conform to a professional dress attire....


Do you dress up? Find sweatpants appalling?

Are you like me and couldn't live without simple cotton drawstring pants?


Just so Dab HAppy!
I always thought sweatpants were not to be worn out in public much after the age of 10 because you can't really hide an erection in one! I don't know about you, but I really can't stand it when I take the kids to the beach and I start pitching a horizontal tent with my cottons so I only where mine out in cold weather usually.


they say im crazy but i have a good time
...imo if you "look" good, you "feel" good...
i also think you can dress "nice" and still feel comfortable.

... i was told once you know your dressed right for work if you feel you have to change when you get home...
for a labourer position i understand this is not necessarily the case. But image is everything...
I understand the point of uniforms/dress codes... even though the public may not see you 100% of the time,
someone is bound to (maintenance people, executives, etc...) Clean & tidy / nicely dressed workers looks better than people in grubby cloths.

... would you rather someone in a uniform serving you or someone in grubby cloths?
IMO someone who looks "grubby" is going to work the same way....

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Well-Known Member
...imo if you "look" good, you "feel" good...
i also think you can dress "nice" and still feel comfortable.

... i was told once you know your dressed right for work if you feel you have to change when you get home...
for a labourer position i understand this is not necessarily the case. But image is everything...
I understand the point of uniforms/dress codes... even though the public may not see you 100% of the time,
someone is bound to (maintenance people, executives, etc...) Clean & tidy / nicely dressed workers looks better than people in grubby cloths.

... would you rather someone in a uniform serving you or someone in grubby cloths?
IMO someone who looks "grubby" is going to work the same way....

I said nothing about grubby... I only wear fresh clean clothes... I hand wash them too... I find washing machines to be wholly inefficient at cleaning thoroughly enough for my standards.

But it does raise an interesting point as to why do we define people wearing a type of clothes as grubby.... why... when we see people wearing cottons do we assume they are grubby...

I've met plenty of well dressed professionals that smelled like they needed a shower and a toothbrush.. . And a demonstration on how both functioned.

And when I had to dress professional in a sweaty ass warehouse. ... you can bet I stank like BO by noon...
because the office workers on the other side of the door complained until we had to shut the lunchroom common door and take a separate lunch hour just to appease their asses.... I've never been so insulted than when I got sprayed with perfume by a lady at the front desk because I had to retrieve a work order "she" refused to send back. Yes she sprayed me on purpose.
Synthetic fibers don't breath asshole!

Spray me with sandalwood and I'll rubber your phone reliever on my ass crack after hours bitch.... she was one well dressed cunt that's for sure... but man did she stink of sandalwood....


they say im crazy but i have a good time
... sweatpants look "grubby", hence why they are not really socially acceptable. its the same with tattered clothing, jeans and shirts (i am aware you can buy them like this)

image is everything unfortunately. we judge books by their covers.
If your in the work place and look grubby than your work must reflect this.
...I'm not speaking to you directly, because this is obliviously not the case, i am talking to the general.

...if someone walked in to a job interview for any position looking like they just woke up i would not give them an honest chance.
Because in my opinion if you cannot bring yourself to look half decent why should i employ you when i have an image i'm building?

I do not want people in sweatpants, tattered clothing or looking like they came right of of bed representing me - seen or not seen.
I put effort and hard work in what i accomplish, the least i ask for is people to come to work looking half respectable.

... its nothing personal, its about a companies image.
You wouldn't hire a plummer covered in shit stains because you would assume your bathroom would be shit covered after their done...
You expect clean professional work done when hiring any service.

It's the same reasoning behind keeping a clean work area- no different than personal appearance In my opinion...

Most times the only point of contact with customers is through low end employees (don't mean to disrespect anyone).
If those employees do not look/act appropriate than that must follow up the chain.
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