Suggest a good vaporizer

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I have a small apartment can you please suggest a small and compact vaporizer?


Well-Known Member
Most all vaporizers are small and compact in regards to using it in a small apartment.


vapor accessory addict
Hi Samfira and welcome to the forum. This is a question that is often asked by newcomers to vaping. The first answer back is usually a question. What is your budget? What are your other needs? Is it just for individual use? Do you need something portable? Is stealth important? And it goes on and on...

My suggestion would be to go to this part of the forum and start reading:

It will soon become apparent to you that a certain type of vaporizer is more attractive to you than others. But, so that you will have a place to start, a couple of vapes that I like that you might consider and fit the "small and compact" description:

Myrtlezap or Toasty Top- good conservation of herb, stealthy, fixed temp
Magic Flight Launch Box - portable (also comes with power adapter)

Good luck!

Edit to add: I just clicked your links Samfira. Just curious why you are asking about small vapes when you have links to the NO2....... You wouldn't be spamming here, would you?


Could you tell me which is better to choose a herbal vaporizer or a portable vaporizer? I am unable to find the difference..?


Well-Known Member
All vaporizers here are herbal vaporizers, be they portable or not.

momofthegoons said:
Edit to add: I just clicked your links Samfira. Just curious why you are asking about small vapes when you have links to the NO2....... You wouldn't be spamming here, would you?

I was going to ask about this as well, but considering my past rep for jumping on stuff like this, I figured it best that someone else bring this up. ;) Thanks mom.


Out to lunch
Samfira is a spammer and the account has been closed. I've seen this same type of spam (sig link to Vapir) on other forums. There's no visible affiliate link, and it's hard to believe the company would be dumb enough to promote spam, since they are apparently trying to improve their customer service. I do intend to inform Vapir that this is happening. That's about all we can do.
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