Stunt Kites.........


Well-Known Member
So, this guy is in his 80's. He comes to the Washington State International Kite Festival every year. He's deaf, so when he flies, people hold their hands up and wave them for applause.

He flies 2 kites with his hands and the 3rd one is attached to his waist.

You gotta watch it to the end to see the AMAZING landing of the last kit. Simply...........beautiful.



Well-Known Member
WoW , that guy is good . i haven't flown my kite in years . it's behind the seat of my truck , under my spare golfclubs ...
Thanks for the video , lwien , i'm gonna go try to fly my kite this week !


Well-Known Member
WoW , that guy is good . i haven't flown my kite in years . it's behind the seat of my truck , under my spare golfclubs ...
Thanks for the video , lwien , i'm gonna go try to fly my kite this week !

Yeah, I got a few stunt kites myself that I haven't flown in awhile, but man, controlling 3 kites at once with one by your stomach. That's just insane, let alone that the guy is in his 80's.

Sooooo nice to hear that that video motivated you to go flying. It really is dancing with the wind.


Well-Known Member
Finally had decent wind last weekend , consistent 15 to 20 mph . Got the kite out and spent a few hours vapin and flyin . Skillz have def deteriorated over last few years , lots of tangled , tumbling landings ... Makes the beautiful 2-point landing on a raised object that much more impressive .
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