Still don't know what to get, please help

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Well-Known Member
I've been reading this board for 3 days now, and I still don't know what I should get. I've been smoking weed for almost 20 years, but have never used a vaporizor. Hell I didn't even know they existed until a couple months ago when I was watching a documentary about the new MMJ laws, and saw a cancer patient had been prescribed one.

So, I'm not sure if I would prefer bag or whip. Does the whip work like a pipe? I mean, do you have to draw from it? Or does it push air out? I understand the bag just fills with vapor and you inhale from it. But how exactly does a whip work? Does it store the vapor anywhere, or is it a "use it or lose it" kind of thing, where if you don't pull the air out as the THC is vaporized, it goes to waste?

I read the recommendations about what to consider when choosing / buying a vaporizor, that was good info. Money is really not a factor, I'd rather spend what I need to get what I'll be happy with. Stealth is probably a bigger factor for me as we have 4 kids living here, ages 8-12. The smaller it is, the more places I can find to hide it from them (and keep them from stealing it when they get older). However, I don't think I want one with a butane heating element. With smaller units, is this unavoidable?

Also, what's the deal with the grinders? I've been smoking only fresh, dank, seedless indica strains since 2005, that is, until last month when my guy got busted. I can't imagine trying to grind that kind of bud without waiting or actively drying it first. I had to resort to just cold-calling random people to get what I have now, which is a half-oz of highly compressed/bricked low mids that I'm pretty sure have been orange-peeled. How is grinding different with these 2 very different forms of herb, if there is any difference at all?

Thanks for the help.


username420 said:
I've been reading this board for 3 days now, and I still don't know what I should get. I've been smoking weed for almost 20 years, but have never used a vaporizor. Hell I didn't even know they existed until a couple months ago when I was watching a documentary about the new MMJ laws, and saw a cancer patient had been prescribed one.
Hehe welcome, username420, to the wonderful world of vapes. :cool:

So, I'm not sure if I would prefer bag or whip. Does the whip work like a pipe? I mean, do you have to draw from it? Or does it push air out? I understand the bag just fills with vapor and you inhale from it. But how exactly does a whip work? Does it store the vapor anywhere, or is it a "use it or lose it" kind of thing, where if you don't pull the air out as the THC is vaporized, it goes to waste?
Yeah you draw like a pipe from a whip vape, though dual whip/bag models will let you get a fan-forced stream of vapour blowing at you, in case you're lazy or have a weak respiratory system. And no, vapour isn't stored anywhere - it just isn't released from the weed until you draw from the whip. This will draw air through or past the heating element and then through the wand.

The wand is the end of the whip that attaches or is held up to the vape, and is usually a shaped glass tube, with a chamber in it for filling with your herb. So the hot air is drawn through the herb in the wand and then though the whip to your mouth. Even on a hands-free unit (where the wand stays connected to the vape) you won't get vapourization unless you're drawing from the whip, as the weed won't reach the necessary temperature.

I read the recommendations about what to consider when choosing / buying a vaporizor, that was good info. Money is really not a factor, I'd rather spend what I need to get what I'll be happy with. Stealth is probably a bigger factor for me as we have 4 kids living here, ages 8-12. The smaller it is, the more places I can find to hide it from them (and keep them from stealing it when they get older). However, I don't think I want one with a butane heating element. With smaller units, is this unavoidable?
For stealth, check the Purple Days, Myrtlezap and Magic Flight Launch Box vapes (and their respective threads here). The PD and MZ are excellent units for 1-2 (maybe 3) people, as long as your not after massive hits. They're the size of a drink can and don't look at all suspicious (at least as long as you don't leave the stems lying around). And the MFLB is tiny, AA battery operated, and can be used pretty much anywhere without suspicion, unless you're really dumb about it. (And if you have a music studio, there's even one that looks like a rack-mounted audio effects unit, :D though I can't remember what it's called, but there's a thread there somewhere.)

Also, what's the deal with the grinders? I've been smoking only fresh, dank, seedless indica strains since 2005, that is, until last month when my guy got busted. I can't imagine trying to grind that kind of bud without waiting or actively drying it first. I had to resort to just cold-calling random people to get what I have now, which is a half-oz of highly compressed/bricked low mids that I'm pretty sure have been orange-peeled. How is grinding different with these 2 very different forms of herb, if there is any difference at all?

Thanks for the help.
The necessity of a grinder depends on the vape you're using. For the MFLB (and other conduction vapes) a grinder is pretty much essential. However it seems most people like to grind their weed to one degree or another anyway. And yeah if you're going to grind, your weed will need to be pretty dry, and the drier your weed the finer you'll be able to grind.

Drying your weed before vaping is to a degree a matter of personal preference (as long as you're not using the MFLB). Just put it on your TV (or other warm appliance for a few hours before use. Most people like to vape weed that is properly dried, but some people like to vape with quite fresh buds (often citing taste and effect differences). I'd recommend to try dry first to learn what a decent cloud of vapour feels like, and then experiment with fresher weed.


Vapor concierge
I've got kids around here, too, and I use the Purple Days almost exclusively due to stealth. That little fucker sits out in plain view until I want to use it. However, I think as a first time vaper, I would recommend the LaunchBox. Vaping isn't for everyone (still haven't converted my long time smoking brother) and the Box would be a good, cheap, portable entry into vaping to see if you like it. Best of all, if you like vaping, you probably would have gotten it anyhow. The stealth factor of this unit will definitely be appreciated.

On the other hand, someone in the Q thread said they were blowing them out at $150. That's a steal, and a great introduction into vaping as you get bag and whip. My first vape was similar to this and it did me right for a long time in finding out how I like to vape. You will need to hide it when not in use, however.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies, more questions though...

You say the MFLB is a conduction vape... as opposed to what? Induction? Does one get hotter than the other? Or is one more efficient than the other? I didn't know you have to pull hot air over the product in a whip, but I suppose that makes sense. Is the vapor hotter or cooler than smoke?

Also, it looks like there is a waiting list for the purple days? And only one online retailer sells them? Is that right? Not sure if I'm that patient.


username420 said:
Thanks for the replies, more questions though...

You say the MFLB is a conduction vape... as opposed to what? Induction? Does one get hotter than the other? Or is one more efficient than the other? I didn't know you have to pull hot air over the product in a whip, but I suppose that makes sense. Is the vapor hotter or cooler than smoke?
It's basically conduction vs. convection. Some of the pricier vaporizers use convection as a method of more evenly heating your material, where the conduction in a Magic Flight Launch Box (MFLB) is like the element on a stove and is heating up what's directly in contact with it. For that, you've gotta shake the MFLB after each hit in order to mix up the stuff that was just toasted. More surface area covered basically translates to better efficiency, especially since you can generally control the heat of convection more precisely. On the MFLB, you use the strength of your draw to gauge the temperature... bit harder to do but can be just as effective. I personally endorse the MFLB, it's my first vape which I've had for a week or so now and I adore it.

The vapor is warm, I find it as warm, if not a little warmer than smoke. But it isn't even close to being as harsh.

username420 said:
Also, it looks like there is a waiting list for the purple days? And only one online retailer sells them? Is that right? Not sure if I'm that patient.
The waiting list pretty much demonstrates how popular it is. Also, it's made completely from scratch, literally from a block of wood that's milled out, etc. They now offer a diy kit with all the parts and you build your own. Not sure about the availability on that...


vapor accessory addict
username420 - I can also vouch for the MFLB. It is a really nifty little vape that you can literally take anywhere. I would read up a little on it here:
You will learn more about batteries than you ever thought you could know, but it will also give you all the info you need about it even if you only skim through. :)

The Purple Days (PD) will not be available for sale until Tom, the maker of the PD, has caught up with his waiting list. The current waiting list is running 19-20+ weeks. He is, however, offering the Pandora kit which is a 2 - 4 week wait through his website. This kit you make yourself and has no warranty.

There are the other log type vapes also. The Myrtlezap, which I also own:

and the Woodeez:

The beauty of the log style vapes is that they can be used and "disguised" as aroma diffusers. They also are very efficient and will usually use less herb. Both of the above vapes seem to have delivery time of about a week. The best bet is to keep reading and give yourself a little time to familiarize yourself with all of your options.


Well-Known Member
Re-read the MFLB thread and I think I'm going to go with that. Thanks for the advice. I don't know anything about the grinders still. I don't drink coffee and have never seen anything like these.

They're only a few inches in diameter, right? What's the difference between magnetic & metal types (chromium, aluminum, etc)? What kind of grinding teeth are the best / most versatile? Any threads with good tips on how to use them? I tried searching the forum but have no idea what keyword terms to use, so thanks again for any more links.

I saw some stores give you a free grinder with purchase. Any retailers I should avoid? I would just buy this stuff from Amazon, but I don't think I want it mixed in with my customer profile there.


Vapor concierge
use the free grinder and get the herb as fine as you can. The Box works best with finer ground material. I use a coffee grinder for my stuff, but I have to be careful not to pulverize it into dust sometimes.


Well-Known Member
If you want stealth go for the Magic flight launch box. It's small, portable, discrete, highly effective at vaping, and it only has the rechargable batteries and the main vaporizer unit itself.

Some people use the tube that comes with it to inhale vapor. I personally do not at all and I would not use the tube unless I was hooking up the launch box to a bong but there's no need to attach it to a bong since the vapor is very cool and not harsh or hot on your throat or lungs like smoke is.

You can supposedly combust or smoke herb in the Magic Flight launch box but IME you would have to intentionally actually purposely do this and purposely leave the battery in while it's vaping way too long and for longer than you are supposed to in order to actually combust herb in the LB.

I only vape a tiny bit of plant material in my LB so even though I cover only the bottom of the trench and it's all vaped in 1 or 2 or maybe 3 hits if there's more plant material than usual, the LB does vape very fast within a few seconds of connecting the battery. I remember the first time I ever used it I was talking on the phone with a friend and using it at the same time all in a few seconds and I got very high and it lasted a lot longer more than smoking herb ever has for me.

I also have to be discrete with vaping and vapor does not linger at all like smoke does. I know smokers who do things like exhale into spoofs or those toilet paper tubes or soda bottles with burned holes in them that are filled with dryer sheets. Then spray some Lysol, ozium, or Febreeze and light a candle or some incense.

I don't have to do any of that while vaping as vapor is lighter than smoke and even smoke from a recently extinguished candle smells and lingers more than vapor does.

Grinders work well. You don't need a very expensive titanium steel one. For years before I got a grinder I just used scissors to bust up herb for my dugouts, joints, or for bongs. I have a plastic grinder and it was free with the MFLB since the site I got it from offered it if you bought a MFLB from them and it works fine. If you're going to vape herb make sure it's ground to almost a fine powder. Someone else on here has said how it should be pretty fine so that you can push it through a windowscreen. I know some people who run their herb through a screen to grind it instead of using a grinder or scissors.

As far as drying herb goes learn how to cure it. It's very easy and you can do it with Mason jars. It's something that everyone who smokes or even vapes should learn how to do with their herb. I've never ever put orange or other fruit/vegetable peels in with plant material as I was told this is how you easily get moldy plant material.

I hope this post helps.
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