Hey guys, I'm selling my newly replaced stealth davinci ascent. This is the newest revised model and it looks and functions flawlessly. I don't have to sell it but with some recent health issues I am really more in need of a good home unit rather than a portable. So as far as trades go I'm looking for a nice home vape. I know that cloud evo is about to start shipping so I'd love a crack at one of your old tickers or pluses. I'll entertain all offers though. As far as selling it goes, they are 249.99$ new plus 24.99$ for the adapter, so I'll do it for 240$. That'll cover bombproof CONUS shipping and Paypal fees. That's a great deal. Everything that was included in the original package will still be there. Even the sticker. Shoot me a message with any and all offers. Thanks for looking.