Recreational marijuana has been proposed by republicans in SD, with them telling the house republicans to push it through before November ballot.
It’s safe to say these are the same people that have turned down previous bills and watered down our medical into complete shit. They are at it again. 1 oz maximum no home growing prohibited. Just a big cash grab again. Thankfully as promised when they took away the recreational that voters approved of I said I am moving I have a place out of state picked out. I can’t make the laws change but I can move somewhere else where I feel deserves my tax money. It wasn’t just about my herbs, which I love very much, but how can they just tell us what they get to pass after we the people who own this damn state said we want it.
Kristi Noem is running for governor again, I hope people remember that she didn’t care what we voted on, she tried helping the AG cover up a dwi and vehicle homicide *being investigated* she also used her power as governor to force some one from their position to give it to her daughter *being investigated* using state money to take vacation on personal jets *being investigated*
This has nothing do with politics or laws but she was also caught in an affair scandal with another politician which they both denied. I don’t judge people on stuff like this because it’s none of my business. More to bring up how her campaign is going and how hilarious the debates will be to watch when all the investigations are brought up along with this scandal since her base is far right, Christian loving families.
Edit—— here is SB3
Summary (2022-03-03) Provide for the use and regulated sale of marijuana. [Placed on calendar pursuant to JR 6F-6, Failed, YEAS 28, NAYS 40. H.J. 576]
I also believe this is push to avoid the people putting in another Citizen Initiative because we will put on everything we actually want from a recreational bill and will the people will pass it again

f krusty gnome