Gear Simrell Warhead


Well-Known Member
So I've had the Warhead for over a month now and I am loving this badass torch-based nectar collector-style dab device. And this awesomeness needs its own thread in the concentrates section, since mentions of it get lost in the Dynavap focused general Simrell thread. And it can be paired with any Dynavap stem so you can take advantage of beauties you may already have from the Dynavap universe (mine were getting less use since the Anvil arrived...).

Such a lovely way to dab and with a lot of control over your dab experience, especially if used with a Terpometer. But even without that precision, really easy to just heat that Warhead tip to glowing orange and then counting down to the temp that works best for you (10 sec = 100 degree drop if I recall what Austin mentioned correctly, though forget what temp glowing orange is).

And the dish for the Warhead is so wonderfully well designed. The indented bowl matches the diameter of the tip, AND then the moat around it is also that diameter. So after heating the concentrate with the Warhead chases the liquified concentrate to the moat, you can mop up with the Warhead tip, by circling that moat with the tip in follow-up hits.

This is also the most compact dab system you will ever find. Super pocketable, and blows away battery-powered nectar collectors and their annoying coils that can get so gunked up. Need to clean Warhead? Drop it in the iso (which is why I choose the MVS stem to pair with it).

Any other Warhead fans out there? Look forward to continuing to dial this in, now that I've pulled my Terpometer from the drawer (tho hardly difficult without that Terpometer, just gives some more precision...).

Don't sleep on this one.



Well-Known Member
I have had the Warhead for about a month now and I like it, but I don’t love it. I still tend to reach for the banger and rig at home and take my Puffco Plus out and about.

Usually one of two things happen when I use the Warhead. Either I need multiple reheats to clear a normal sized dab or I guess I rip it too hot and the dab splatters out of the container. The first time this happened I got a bit on my skin and burned the shit out of me lol. I have a terpometer and wait for the green light each time. Waiting until 530° seems to be too low and I don’t get any vapor, but at 560° I get the splatter effect.

I will say my MVS is pretty gunked up right now, so I will probably try to clean everything to see if it works better. If not I might list it here in the Classifieds.


Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
I cant vibe with nectar collectors tbh. Maybe a mice accessory if you dont have a rig but id argue the coil is a much better option. Also smaller.


Well-Known Member
I cant vibe with nectar collectors tbh. Maybe a mice accessory if you dont have a rig but id argue the coil is a much better option. Also smaller.
To each their own. It is winning the reach test over my Rio and Switch right now. We will see how much of that is novelty factor.

Ritual process of using the Warhead makes it feel like a dab equivalent to the Vapman.


Well-Known Member
Good to have a stem with an adjustable airport or is everyone leaving the airport wide open?


Well-Known Member
Nectar collectors are good in a pinch, I got an 7th floor quarts straw recently and it's pretty nifty, but I do prefer a banger and rig.

I feel like I'd want more cooling, this being so compact may mean it's a bit harsh too?

marketing not science.

Not enough difference these days, the former has seemingly swallowed the latter whole


Well-Known Member
Glass Blower
So a little update from my end.

Simrell asked me to make clear bodies (with special carb ports) for his warhead. I agreed and so i got sent one for fitting, and testing!

I still stand by my previous comment about not really liking necter collectors, but i have found a use for my teat unit!

I use it for non melt hash. Anything thats not noce enough to dab can be smooshed under the hot tip (in the little jar) and vaped like “hot knives” or the old hash bowls with glass wands. The cooling spirals do a good enough job that its enjoyable.

For any dabbable product i just prefer a banger. Quartz is king. But for non full melt bubble or sift the warhead has found its use in my arsenal.
Does anyone have a good torch to recommend for a warhead?
A little late, I use the blazer gb2001 for all TED device.

Dynavap, anvil, warhead.... the torch is good for all device.

Small 0.5 inch flame to anout 2 inch flame

And Im a big fan of that type hand free of fuel valve,,


New Member
I happened across a post from Simrell under a YT video about Warhead-compatible ceramic inserts for the YLL IH 2.0. He said that 35 seconds at 60W is perfect timing to bring the Warhead to 550°. Figuring out a way to use a Warhead without a torch was the only thing stopping me from buying it, so...

VAS strikes again. I received the Warhead today. The heater and inserts should be here tomorrow. We'll see how it goes!


New Member
I happened across a post from Simrell under a YT video about Warhead-compatible ceramic inserts for the YLL IH 2.0. He said that 35 seconds at 60W is perfect timing to bring the Warhead to 550°. Figuring out a way to use a Warhead without a torch was the only thing stopping me from buying it, so...

VAS strikes again. I received the Warhead today. The heater and inserts should be here tomorrow. We'll see how it goes!

I didn't receive the heater until yesterday. I can confirm that 60w for 35 seconds does bring it to right around 550, though. This is perfect for on the go for me. I hate hauling torches around.

The Warhead smacks. My only possible complaint would be the price.
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