Naruto Fan
Alternate Thread Title: "Come See VWFringe Expose Himself"
This is crazy talk, I know, but, Uh, one is worse than the other, and it really didn't work so well when we went the totallitarian way and prevented her from doing it at all.
She just came out to me that she's been doing it regularly, she said this because she failed a drug screen, and I found myself in the uncomfortable situation of talking with her about her options for passing the next one. (school expulsion for something related more to her mild depression, but requiring a clean drug test)
her grades have never been better, she's not online all the time like before, she's showing pretty good judgement in choosing friends, tho now i can guess they blaze part-time.
Parent Project way of doing this would be to say no, and each time you're caught you'll get everything taken away for like five or seven days, and i'm pretty sure that route would work again, but question whether it's neccessary if she exhibits balance.
But i have to also recognize that in the broad strokes this looks like her currying favor where she can't get it from Mom, and my reacting in an inclusive fashion may not be my eye towards "harm reduction" but is simply a way to have more of a relationship with her (not toking up, but in general because there is an understanding).
So, i'm afraid my flawed way of thinking is what's making me think she needs a MFLB and quick, instead of cracking down. Opinions? hahaha
This is crazy talk, I know, but, Uh, one is worse than the other, and it really didn't work so well when we went the totallitarian way and prevented her from doing it at all.
She just came out to me that she's been doing it regularly, she said this because she failed a drug screen, and I found myself in the uncomfortable situation of talking with her about her options for passing the next one. (school expulsion for something related more to her mild depression, but requiring a clean drug test)
her grades have never been better, she's not online all the time like before, she's showing pretty good judgement in choosing friends, tho now i can guess they blaze part-time.
Parent Project way of doing this would be to say no, and each time you're caught you'll get everything taken away for like five or seven days, and i'm pretty sure that route would work again, but question whether it's neccessary if she exhibits balance.
But i have to also recognize that in the broad strokes this looks like her currying favor where she can't get it from Mom, and my reacting in an inclusive fashion may not be my eye towards "harm reduction" but is simply a way to have more of a relationship with her (not toking up, but in general because there is an understanding).
So, i'm afraid my flawed way of thinking is what's making me think she needs a MFLB and quick, instead of cracking down. Opinions? hahaha