Scared of getting COPD or Cancer from MJ - Will edibles or pills have lon

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Scared of getting COPD or Cancer from MJ - Will edibles or pills have long term affect on organs?

I want to know if there is any long term damage to organs if I consume MJ via food, caps/pills, tincture, etc..Will it affect pancrease or liver like a pharmaceutical pill would?

I'm a 30 year old asthmatic, I was diagnosed at 16 but ignored and continued to play sports, swim and bike without inhaler. They said it was a mild version. I recently quit smoking MJ and switched to vaporizing, no particular reason just wanted to becareful in the long run. I never smoked cigs, ever. I'm still able to play basketball with the 20 year olds on full court without any issues.

To top it off I suffer from GAD (generalize anxiety disorder and OCD). I read an article yesterday about marijuana and emphysema at a young age. This put me in panic mode and I quickly made an appointment with doc to been next week. I even went out and purchased a brand new FLOW PEAK METER made by omcrom. I came home and tested, my numbers were really low at 450, the highest was around 500. The normal rate for someone my age and height is 622. I'm barely at 450. I'm only 150lbs, not sure if this has any affect to score.

The meter I purchased 1/5 star reviews on amazon, mainly about the quality but some are complaining that the meter always shows 80-100 lower compared to other meters Not sure what to make of it. I'm scared and can barely focus. I just had a son, now I'm afraid I wont be around to see him grow up. I have no wheezing or any asthma attacks in my whole life.

To top it off my mother died of rare lung cancer called BAC at 49, however she was a heavy tobacco smoker. I lived with my dad and only seen her a few times, her house reaked of smoke. After I seen article on how you have 70% chance of getting lung cancer if you parents got it and you smoke. I spoke to genetics counselor who did not think it was necessary to test if there was not a strong family history (only sporadic with known cause) of LC in immediate family. No other history of cancer in my family. Both sides of grandparents are hitting their 90's.

It would be stupid of me to even continue to vaporizer or smoke. Anyone else consume mj via pills on a daily basis?


Out to lunch
Cancer from MJ
Smoke of any kind isn't good for you, yet there's zero evidence that smoking mj has ever caused any kind of cancer, including lung cancer. OTOH there's plenty of anecdotal evidence that hemp oil derived from psychoactive cannabis has cured plenty of stage 4 cancers.

It would be stupid of me to even continue to vaporizer or smoke.
So your 'theory' is that vapor is as bad as smoke? My personal experience proves (to my satisfaction anyway) that theory to be garbage, since my lungs quit tolerating smoke years ago but have no problem with vapor.

If you're here to save us all from mj vapor, talking like vaping will give you lung cancer, you're wasting your time. The members here are mostly enthusiastic about vapor, not afraid of it. Seems like you'd be a lot better off on some kind of medical forum.

I'd also like to know how you reconcile your listed Lakewood, CA location with your IP address, which shows you posting from Davao City in the Philippines.


Max said it all.

Just want to add that when you read studies about MJ, always be sure to see what method of administrating are they using and whether their sample includes tobacco smokers and people who use cannabis with tobacco.
You will see that when you make this distiction, the correlation between cannabis and lung diseases is virtually none compared to non-tobacco and cannabis users.

If instead of smoking pure cannabis, you decide to vaporize then the only thing you need to worry about regarding your respiratory system is the hot vapour and flying particles from plant matter, which can be achieved with water filtration or longer vapour paths (whip).
And ime, if there is a 90º angle in the vapour path, it helps to filtrate particles as well.

The only problem that lies with vaporizing, once you address vapour filtration and temperature, is your own usage.
If it's too much and too frequent and without counter actions like good sleep habits, eating habits and exercise, you may begin experience symptoms related to brain function like difficulty articulating your thoughts and translating them into words, some people who are prone to it may experience depersonalization, etc..

As you can see, cancer is NOT the problem when you think of cannabis, quite the contrary, according to unbiased scientific investigation.


Well-Known Member
Any reliable longterm or even short term information on cannabis especially when vaporized is very very sparse. Because of the oppression of research on these things we are forced to take chances and go off of one another experiences.

I won't argue that MJ is good for you, or even not bad. However I think edibles and vaporizing are the safest way to ingest it from what we currently know.

Also if you are still able to play basketball I don't think you should worry at all about seeing your son grow up.

I have very bad lungs, about 15% capacity. I can't run or jog at all, and have a very hard time walking on inclines without supplemental oxygen. Technically I should be wearing oxygen at all time (but I like to be a rebel :ko:). I have been vaporizing daily for the past year and a half, despite my poor lung health. I track my FEV1 meters daily on my own, and have a more in depth checking done by my doctor every two weeks.

From what I can see cannabis so far has not caused any change in my lung health. My numbers have gone neither up nor done. If anything it has prevented them from going down any further. I do advise to stay away from vaporizing while sick however to allow your lungs to recover the best they can (I get bronchitis A LOT).

TL;DR Information is hard to find, reliable information is near non existent. Having only a mild or medium case of asthma I think you have nothing to worry about as long as you avoid combustion. You certainly should not fear not being able to see your son grow. Seems like the worrying might kill you first, in which case you may need more cannabis! Listen to your lungs, and exercise often. They will tell you when they are having a hard time in ways such as tightness, shortness of breath, weezing, and colored phlegm. Listen to these things and use medibles or no cannabis until they have gone away; and I would almost promise you that you won't cause any damage.
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Well-Known Member
I'm..30 year old....... I'm still able to play basketball with the 20 year olds on full court without any issues.

To top it off my mother died of rare lung cancer called BAC at 49, however she was a heavy tobacco smoker.

No other history of cancer in my family. Both sides of grandparents are hitting their 90's.

So what's the problem?

You're GAD and OCD is acting up.

If vapor is not causing your asthma to flareup, then I really don't think you have much to worry about. From what you stated above, you're chances of getting COPD or cancer is really no greater than the rest of us, and in fact, I would imagine, a helluva lot less than some of us.


Well-Known Member
Simple username google search brings up TONS of exactly the same post on TONS of varied forums over the last few weeks..... answering IMHO is just wasting your time.
hmmm... pharma industry disinfo agent? (outsourced to the Philippines)
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