Unknown Member
Hello FC friends.
Had some things come up, so I'm offering up a few items.
Butane bundle includes the Peartree Vapman with egg case and loading ring, SBL Flip Brick with 14mm (may have 18mm, not sure where) and whip adapter(no whip), and an unused Dynavap M. I'll include an Aomai single flame torch with fresh flint. All for $150 $130 shipped via priority to ConUS.
Above bundle sold.
RBT OG Milaana I received a couple weeks ago from @hippogriff Fast heat up with this and works awesome. Comes with a clear RBT short stem and no battery.
$110 100 shipped via priority to ConIS.
Had some things come up, so I'm offering up a few items.
Above bundle sold.
RBT OG Milaana I received a couple weeks ago from @hippogriff Fast heat up with this and works awesome. Comes with a clear RBT short stem and no battery.

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