PTglass, Battery Free Ganz, and the scammer that's trynna mess up their vibes


Well-Known Member
So I wanted to step in here and make a thread on this, apart from making a thread dedicated solely to PTglass soon. I'm sure a lot of people on this forum are aware of the whole shitshow that went down in Vietnam recently, with a person named Son Le or @Sucudu90dn on IG pretending to be a vape manufacturer and reseller selling the BFG DaniVape and the Dynavap compatible glass tips and custom glass bodies and AiOs that are actually all made by a really sweet guy named Phan or @ptglass420 on IG.
This thread is to bring to the community's attention this whole situation and take it out of the BFG thread as to not taint that thread with nonsense drama any further.
If you see @sucudu90dn on IG, please report him. He's scammed people for their money (there's an IG account already dedicated to raising awareness on his scams but has a limited following) and worst of all, robbed actual manufacturers of their reputation. I know BFG's doing alright, but PTglass is having a hard time finding community support since he has a very limited following on IG and caught some of the worst parts of Son Le's scam op, since he must've given the guy a lot of glass pieces to help promote his brand and found out that no proper promotion was done and that Son had pocketed any money from the devices.

Let's see the community come together to end this once and for all, we can't tolerate scams even though they might not affect Western manufacturers, people in Vietnam's cannabis community have it rough with the legal situation and face high risks to make products they think users will love.

Let's help!
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