Portable Vapes - What's the Cream of the Crop?

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Well-Known Member
I'm looking into getting a portable vape and want something that's going to be worth the money many times over.

What is the cream of the crop portable vaporizer?

mod note: General Vaporization Discussion Vapor related but not model specific - thread moved.


Well-Known Member
That all depends.

If you want something that's super small and stealthy, check out the Magic Flight Launch Box.

If you want something not quite as stealthy but something very high tech that can provide some huge back to back vapor clouds, check out the new Arizer Solo.

If you want one of the cheapest but legit portables around, check out the VaporGenie.

There may be fans of a few other vapes around here, but these are my top picks.


Out to lunch
Here's a good thread to start with, to identify the good ones. I'd just skim the oldest pages, since the better portables come up later, for the most part. Please do some reading, get an idea of what types are available and which ones interest you, then come back and ask some questions. We really don't like to start here with 'what's the best?'.



Active Member
I've had the Vapir NO2 for a few weeks now, and my MFLB arrived yesterday.

I like them both, they're both portable, but it really depends on your needs. I feel that the NO2 is more elegant to use, but the MFLB fits in my POCKET.

If I'm out and about and don't plan to share my buzz, then I'll take the MFLB, of course. If I'm at home or at a friend's place, the NO2 is much more convenient.

If you already have an at-home vape, then I would recommend the MFLB.


Well-Known Member
FreeExperience said:
I'm looking into getting a portable vape and want something that's going to be worth the money many times over.

What is the cream of the crop portable vaporizer?

mod note: General Vaporization Discussion Vapor related but not model specific - thread moved.

magic flight launch box - lifetime warranty - enough said lol


Senior Marijuanist
I own both the PA-MFLB and the NO2:


.Small form factor
.Lifetime warranty
.Simplicity vs effectiveness
.The PA is a must but then it brings the price closer to other portables like the NO2

.Inconsistency - caused by batteries, not shaking enough, not grinding enough, etc...
.Can become clogged under the screen
.Easy to combust the herb if you're not carefull
.I have to do multiple trenches in order to have the desired effect. This can look ackward on my deck for 15 minutes: brush and clean, drop herb, sip and shake couple times, drop the ABV, repeat 3 times...
.No temp control
.Constant Shake needed

Form factor makes it stealth (my wife is the proof - read my review)
Easy to use
Impossible to combust
Accurate temp control
Easy to clean

New plastic smell out of the box - though goes away after few uses
Durability is unknown
1 year warranty only
Pre-heat needed


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Vaporisateur said:
.Inconsistency - caused by batteries, not shaking enough, not grinding enough, etc...
.Can become clogged under the screen
.Easy to combust the herb if you're not carefull
.I have to do multiple trenches in order to have the desired effect. This can look ackward on my deck for 15 minutes: brush and clean, drop herb, sip and shake couple times, drop the ABV, repeat 3 times...
.No temp control
.Constant Shake needed

I know nothing of the NO2, but I know a little about the MFLB. I take issue with some of those cons:

  • Inconsistency resulting from shaking and grinding is a user problem. Like many devices, there is a learning curve. This shouldn't be an issue past the first few uses. Inconsistency from batteries is a potential problem if you always run them down completely, but again experience largely overcomes this.[/*]
  • There is always some buildup under the screen. Clogging, however, is rarely a problem--or if it is, it has gone largely unmentioned here.[/*]
  • The ease of combustion depends on the individual LB. I once left my battery in contact for a few minutes (not sure how many) and I got charred black material--but it never actually combusted. I know of other LBs where it would have, however. It's safe to say that careless use can result in combustion.[/*]
  • In contrast to you, I can stay comfortably zoned all day on a single trench. Three trenches can last me a week. It's not the LB's fault that your tolerance is so high. This is another user-dependent issue.[/*]
  • The LB has temperature control: your inhale speed. I take it you mean it has no preset temperature, and that is true.[/*]
  • As for needing constant shaking, yes it does. It's not exactly a burden. It's a part of using it, just like stirring is with some other vaporizers. For me, it's just a simple flick of the wrist after hitting. It's trivial. I would never have thought of that as a con for the LB.[/*]

The MFLB doesn't suit everybody, but a good deal of your criticism flows from your personal habits and preferences rather than general shortcomings. Not everyone will have the same experiences.
Arizer Solo. Long term reliability is unknown but it seems able to produce clouds, has a long battery, a nearly or completely 100% glass chamber and airpath, and the ability (supposedly!) to use concentrates, both solid and oily. The videos of it vapebonging are mouthwatering, too.

It's still going to be too bulky for someone people's tastes, and if concentrates are unimportant, get a MFLB with a nice forum discount from one of the trusted retailers.

I had horrific experiences with Vapir (and Voodoo) products and can't recommend them, having not used the NO2 all the same.


Senior Marijuanist
pakalolo said:
but a good deal of your criticism flows from your personal habits and preferences rather than general shortcomings. Not everyone will have the same experiences.

I hope so!! This is why it is important to have different reviews from different types of users :rolleyes:

This is also why FC exists: so users can share THEIR experience. If everyone's experience is the same, what's the point of 11,000+ posts in this thread?

I don't know a lot a people that would go on just one trench a day, unless you're a recreational user. Then, of course the MFLB is the way to go, I guess.

But if you're going to use it a lot - like me - well, sorry to bring it to you bro but there are certain annoyances with the MFLB. And this is what I was trying to put to light, now that I have another portable to compare it with.

Don't take me wrong, the MFLB is an awesome portable vape, but it has its limits too.

I want try to clarify some of the points you brought up:

  • Inconsistency resulting from shaking and grinding is a user problem. Like many devices, there is a learning curve.
    >> This is why I consider this a CON vs the NO2. I did not have a learning curve and I'm sorry but I used the MFLB much more than you obviously, and I'm not getting the same constant results that I get with the NO2 by doing nothing else than just sucking the damn thing.[/*]
  • There is always some buildup under the screen. Clogging, however, is rarely a problem--or if it is, it has gone largely unmentioned here.
    >> Okay, perhaps my words were a bit hard, but I do have to remove quite a bit of resin in and around the orifice, and had to do it more than one since I have the box. It's a bit tricky to clean that.[/*]
  • The ease of combustion depends on the individual LB. I once left my battery in contact for a few minutes (not sure how many) and I got charred black material--but it never actually combusted. I know of other LBs where it would have, however. It's safe to say that careless use can result in combustion.
    >> Believe me, with the PA I've combusted quite a few times. Not charring, combusting. When you see a little puff of smoke to continue to build up even after turning off the PA, you know you've reached that point.[/*]
  • In contrast to you, I can stay comfortably zoned all day on a single trench. Three trenches can last me a week. It's not the LB's fault that your tolerance is so high. This is another user-dependent issue.
    >> I think it is pretty obvious that I am not a recreational user - one must keep this in mind when reading my review... That being said, one trench for the whole day? Three for the week? Wow. I'm flabbergasted. [/*]
  • The LB has temperature control: your inhale speed. I take it you mean it has no preset temperature, and that is true.
    >> And it does not have constant temperature either. So sometime, I may run a trench at say 200C and the next one at 195C (this is an example). That's what I meant too.[/*]
  • As for needing constant shaking, yes it does. It's not exactly a burden. It's a part of using it, just like stirring is with some other vaporizers. For me, it's just a simple flick of the wrist after hitting. It's trivial. I would never have thought of that as a con for the LB.
    >> Well I guess that can become a burden if you use it more than 3 times a week. I'm more like 3 times an hour... :rolleyes:[/*]


Out to lunch
Responses from 7 different members but nothing from the OP in six days. Where are you FreeExperience? This thread will not be open long without a reappearance and some comment. :/


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Vaporisateur said:
I'm sorry but I used the MFLB much more than you obviously...


Well I guess that can become a burden if you use it more than 3 times a week. I'm more like 3 times an hour...

Not to hijack the thread, particularly in light of max's comment above, but you assume too much. I use my LB three times an hour on many days, often even more often. The difference is that I can take a hit and wait 15-20 minutes before taking another. You seem to need a trench every time you use it. I understand the you are a medical user and that affects your usage and perceptions; in fact, that was precisely my point. Your review is fine if you provide that perspective--but you didn't. An average user will definitely not share your experiences.


Senior Marijuanist
pakalolo said:
Not to hijack the thread, particularly in light of max's comment above, but you assume too much. I use my LB three times an hour on many days, often even more often. The difference is that I can take a hit and wait 15-20 minutes before taking another. You seem to need a trench every time you use it. I understand the you are a medical user and that affects your usage and perceptions; in fact, that was precisely my point. Your review is fine if you provide that perspective--but you didn't. An average user will definitely not share your experiences.

Perhaps I should use a bigger avatar... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I'm a medical user and I use VERY little. Maybe I need a smaller pussy in my avy. ;)


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Vaporisateur said:
pakalolo said:
Not to hijack the thread, particularly in light of max's comment above, but you assume too much. I use my LB three times an hour on many days, often even more often. The difference is that I can take a hit and wait 15-20 minutes before taking another. You seem to need a trench every time you use it. I understand the you are a medical user and that affects your usage and perceptions; in fact, that was precisely my point. Your review is fine if you provide that perspective--but you didn't. An average user will definitely not share your experiences.

Perhaps I should use a bigger avatar... :rolleyes:

OOOOO snap!

Wait till next time you show up on #fuckcombustion! I'll teach you to show up a channel op. :whip:


how come nobody said anything about the Lotus? it can't be that much lower down the ranking for portables, especially with the good reviews it got.


Out to lunch
The Lotus is in the Vapman category-great for vaping in the wind and/or anywhere where stealth isn't an issue. But since the OP didn't specify how he wanted to use a portable, we don't know what kind of portable to recommend. Since we haven't seen post #2 from him in a week, this thread is closed.
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