Part of the operating system. Not an app. Does this bother you?


Well-Known Member
Ahh, the C64, I envied my buddy's C64 setup. Crawdad, did you ever get to use a Sinclair ZX81? If so you will know why I was envious of the Commodore... :lol: Yes folks, we (geezers) stored our programs on cassette tapes, mini versions of those big tape drive banks you see in old Sci-Fi films.

Here is a BBC story on the ZX81.
Yes, that's not a misprint, 1Kb of memory. :cool: But I had to have one...

Man, cradle modems and cassettes, to 4G wireless in 30 years... whew . . :2c:


heh, i had the 1541 drive..the tape drive i had saw little to no use. i had the 128k (or was it 256, damn cant remember) ram expander...i was so bad ass. lol

and yes time has flown by in terms of technology and what is possible...sure wish our wisdom would of evolved as fast as our intelligence.
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