Newvape 18mm male flowerpot glass


Well-Known Member
That bowl should work fine for the ShowerHead too. I think I used it with mine a little even though I got a VRod about the same time.

I think they just don’t talk about the ShowerHead anymore because it’s an extra option that confuses people. I still like it and would probably take it over the WeedEater, mostly because it fits more coils and has more mass so you can keep the coil temp lower, but there’s not a big difference for most people so it’s easier to just say “VRod or WeedEater” which have much clearer differences.

There are other bowls out there that will work, but you’d probably just have to find one that’s about the same size and see if it fits. Some people have also used other bowls with the ShowerHead upside down and more of them fit, but you have to hold it the whole time that way since it won’t stay on by itself.
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