New Vap User - Volcano questions

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Well-Known Member
just got a volcano digital today.

long story short smoked weed for 20 years. shot my lungs so i cooked it for 6 years (major bitch needed 5 times as much as i smoked and wreaked the entire apartment building) then moved so i could not cook it. I quit for 2 years. then started back in JAN smoking. got bronchitis again. realized i had to do something so finally found the vaporizors on the int.

So i would not lie here. i got my volcano and in 4 minutes had my first bag of vapor.

i set it at 190 C.

i can imediately tell that it is not smoke and it tastes like thc. kind of like the steam tasted when i would cook it.

when i burn pot it imediately makes my body react negatively. my mouth waters and tastes like an ashtray. i cough up black flem that tastes like soot. with vapor that does not happen at least the taste and reaction. it will be a while before i know if it bothers my lungs and throat but smoke bothers me instantly so it's obviously much better.

i also just put a small amount maybe 3 bong hits worth and i've done 2 bags so far and one bag is plenty to get me high and i can tell there is plenty left.

how many bags ~ should i get?

does it make it better on my lungs if i do lower temp more bags?

how low can i go?

it's only been 3 hours and i feel a thousand times better then last night when i smoked some.

my weed should last twice as long at least and the vapor does not cause any kind of reaction like the smoke does.

can i tell if the weed is tapped when i get no more vapor ?

i just started using it so honestly is there anyone that has been using a vaporizor for years and not smoking at all that could comment on wether or not they are having lung or thoat problems?


Well-Known Member
3-5 bags to taste. Depends on temps, strains, etc. Your target color also varies as there is an obvious drop off curve to what is useful towards the end. I go for light and dry/crumbly and all the goodies are nearly gone.

Better for your lungs at lower temps should be an obvious yes. Better for your lungs to not vape at all too. Do what you will, of course. I live in LA so the air isn't much better then the bag. :lol:

Low temps work to taste and strain - experiment. Remember, vapor doesn't need to be visible so let the effects be your guide.

Tapped=no more vapor. Yes - as lwein says, "when its gone, its gone."

Move on to the next refill. :)

You may also wish also to run your bag through a bong. You can add a tube in and do the math - just do a search here or elsewhere.

BTW - if you are trying to stretch your stash (re the higher temps questions), the Volcano is the WRONG vape to have - i.e. the opposite.

Hippie Dickie

The Herbal Cube
also, it's not unusual to have several weeks of coughing after you switch to vaping ... the lungs are clearing out the crap.
Hippie Dickie,
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