Need some help choosin my vape

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys, noob to the forums but not to vaping :)

Anyway, after recently getting my first job, and since my friend got the money shot with a scratched pool ball on my bong, I've decided to celebrate my first paycheck with a vape.

I had originally thought about a vape or a nice roor, like the 7" thick 45cm lil sista ice.

I have hit a roor before, and although i must say the experience is unmatched(like honestly for people who haven't, it was the smoothest toke of my life), but thinking in the long run, flavor is very important and no other way can deliver flavor like a vape can.

In sum, i just can't decide between the EVQ or the iolite, if anyone could give me some direction into which is overall a more enjoyable purchase please share. I know the iolite is handheld, but if the EVQ in the long run is a more pleasurable smoke then I would easily go to the home unit.

Thanks in advance


Out to lunch
E vs. iolite isn't usually the 'either or' dilemma. The iolite can serve as an 'only vape' but it's real advantage is as a portable. You also have a fixed temp. Makes using it easy, but being limited to a lower temp means you can't get really close to the 'smoke high' if that's what you want. Higher temps give you a more stoned, wasted high-not as clean and healthy as a lower temp buzz, but sometimes you'll probably want the option.

The EQ is much more versatile-bag fill, whip hits (thicker 'elbow hits'), fan assisted hits. Not a great vape for portable use though-lots of glass and the battery pack is expensive. The vape will cost you more as well. If I had no vape and had to buy only one though, I'd have to go with the more versatile E. If bag use is important, the best buys are the E, herbalAire, and Ion.

Both manufacturers have become more strict on warranty coverage. With either model be sure you're buying from an authorized dealer.

If you like bong hits you may value rich vapor hits as well. If so, there are better options than either of these. The SSV is whip only, but that's where the rich hits are. Even a cheaper box vape can deliver lung busting hits, since that's what the SSV is derived from. The Da Buddha, made by the SSV company, is also a less expensive but excellent hitter. The VapeXhale Cloud, not released yet, will probably be the most bong like vape on the market, with top tier glass Hydratubes and the ability to hold a vaping temp even with big, fast hits. You might want to get a less expensive vape to start with, or hold off until the Cloud is released. Check the Vaporizer Discussion section for all the popular models. They're easy to find.


Well-Known Member
Wow thanks a lot for all that information. I have the most vaping experience with a standard easy vape, (buddy of mine didnt wanna deal with gettin caught so he kept it in my college dorm room :) ) and the silver surfer is also an excellent model.

I guess when I wanna buy something, I wanna make sure i get the best value for my money, and almost every post I read keeps directing me to the Extreme VQ, so i think i might just go for it


Well-Known Member
Are you gonna be vaping with your buddies all the time, or primarily by yourself or one other person?

I don't own an extreme, but I know that since it's a bag vape like a volcano, people like to enjoy it as a party vape - ie fill big bags and pass them around.

You seem to like glass/smoking. Try checking out the Supreme vaporizer thread. I just ordered one, and you can use it well with glass. So if you want, you could get the Supreme and pair it with a RooR, or cheaper glass too. Then again, you can pair the extreme with glass too. However, if you check out some youtube videos on the supreme, you can see it delivers some amazing hits :brow:

I also heard its satisfying for ex-smokers, since you use a butane torch to fire it up. Not the greatest for having a lot of people over and passing it around, though.


Well-Known Member
If you want an excellent portable vape don't get an iolite but get a magic flight launch box.
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