Need advice for choosing a home vape

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Hey guys im fairly new around here and was wondering if you guys could help me out. As of right now i have 2 vapes worth noting the Davinci (not the ascent) and the VG (lol used it like 7 times and stopped using it). i love my DV but it got burned out and im currently waiting for a replacement (whole other story, the thing performs well though when it was working).

I medicate alot so efficiency is not a priority at all just something that gets me super zonked.

So my main question is what plug in vapes would you guys recommend? i know theirs alot of cano hate on here but i love canos but currently can't fork up 500+ dollars on a unit. i medicate a lot and my needs in a vape would be something reliable, something that wont break easily, something somewhat easy to learn to use (i dont like hella learning curves), something that produces thick potent vape clouds (dont care about taste as much just want some epic clouds), something that can easily get 4+ people medicated as well without reloading mass amounts of materials, a large bowl to load material in so if i wanted to i could put maybe a gram (sorry if im being in faiy tale land im new to vapes dont know all the diff loading sizes) in that bad boy and just go to town, and most importantly out of all those possibly NO COMBUSTION.

The models i have been looking at are the SSV and the arizer. honestly the SSV is looking the most appealing to me (the SSV arizer and cano look the most appealing to me at the moment). but what i dont like about the SSV is how do you know what temp your on? i guess if it doesnt combust even on high heat thats not a problem but i like to know at least what range im in, does it come with a guide on what gauges set to what temps approx? Thanks for all your help guys and will be watching this forum for your guys input. im open to all models and currently researching.

clouded vision

Well-Known Member
Although I haven't used the SSV, I have an LSV which is the same heater. It is possible to combust in it but if you are careful youwon't (I haven't yet and can get my abv as dark as coffee grounds). If your a cloud chaser, which your post pretty much says youare, I would highly recommend any of the 7th floor products. None of them can give you a temperature range because you control it with your draw. You can keep the knob at the same place ans by drawing faster or slower you affect the temperature of the air that is hitting the herb. There is a very small learning curve with them but having prior experience with vaporizers, you should have it down within the first bowl.

I would definitely rule out the Cano though, bag vapes.just can't give you the same clouds a direct draw unit can. The Cano is a quality unit but didn't seem to fit the bill here, I compare it to a Mercedes, you pay more for the German engineering, the innovation they put into it (when it first came out, but not anymore) and the hood ornament so everyone knows you spent a lot on it, meanwhile you can get a Hyundai with all the same features at half the cost.

Also you should report your post and ask the mods to move it to the ask FC section, you will get a lot more responses there
clouded vision,


Out to lunch
i know theirs alot of cano hate on here
Really? I've been here 5 years and have seen a lot more posts claiming there's a lot of Volcano hate than actual negative posts about that model. I'll acknowledge a lot of 'too much money for a vape that only fills bags', but otherwise what's to hate about a very reliable, high quality vape? The main problem with vaping only bags is that you have a lot less control over hit size and taste, since every bag hit is diluted and pretty much the same. It gets boring if you actually enjoy vaping.

I was going to suggest the SSV before I even saw you mention it. I don't think you'll get a gram in the bowl (even the fatty wand), but that's so unnecessary. You'll need to stir the bowl and the more you load the harder that is. Also, the more herb in the bowl, the more 'spent herb taste' you'll have to put up with before you dump it and reload.

As for the "arizer", that's the company name, and they produce 3 models, although the V-Tower is just the Extreme with no bag function. I assume you're talking about the Extreme. It's a good choice if you're going to use whip AND bag fill, but the general consensus (including my experience) is that the SSV delivers more vapor per hit, since the Extreme bowl and airways are large, allowing a lot of air with each hit.

Also make sure you're posting in the right section. There are no vape specific topics in the Lounge. It's for off topic posting.
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Maybe check out the Plenty by Storz & Bickel, you and I have very similar preferences in a home-vape and after all of my research I chose the Plenty. From what everyone was saying about it, the only real drawback is that it takes "plenty" of material to fill. This is not a problem for me as I am a heavy user anyways, so the large chamber is a plus for me, since that just means it has to be reloaded less frequently.
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