Neck very sore after stopping for a while

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
I have uncodiscarthrosis and foraminal stenosis in the cervical area. It is causing major pain and postural rigidity.
What I can tell is that vaporizing weed makes me much more comfortable. Pain relief and suppleness are incomparable when I'm medicated.

If I'm medicating all day I won't experience any pain and I will be much more mobile and supple.

Maybe you should do X-rays. This is how I've been diagnosed.
I've also been experimenting a different physiotherapy approach which is based on postural reeducation and chain muscle stretching. It is by far the therapy that have worked best for me.
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I have uncodiscarthrosis and foraminal stenosis in the cervical area. It is causing major pain and postural rigidity.
What I can tell is that vaporizing weed makes me much more comfortable. Pain relief and suppleness are incomparable when I'm medicated.

If I'm medicating all day I won't experience any pain and I will be much more mobile and supple.

Maybe you should do X-rays. This is how I've been diagnosed.
I've also been experimenting a different physiotherapy approach which is based on postural reeducation and it it is by far the therapy that have worked best for me.
Thankyou for your input, I shall go see if I can get some x-rays done.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Thankyou for your input, I shall go see if I can get some x-rays done.
Yes, cannabis is very efficient with neurological pain, arthritis and is also known to have a muscle relaxing action.

I am no doctor but It is well possible that it was masking the pain and rigidity.
Radwin Bodnic,
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Well-Known Member
weed has CBD in it and that has anti inflammatory and anti pain affects so it might be that your body is missing? I have a friend who does nto smoke weed but when she has tooth ache or bad period pain she uses some to help with that so am guessing it might work the same for some pain you have in your neck.

The other thing is are you maybe doing more exercise or movement now that you are not under the influence of weed? just you might have got a strain from that?

Whatever it is you are in my prayers and hope your neck stops feeling stiff soon :)


weed has CBD in it and that has anti inflammatory and anti pain affects so it might be that your body is missing? I have a friend who does nto smoke weed but when she has tooth ache or bad period pain she uses some to help with that so am guessing it might work the same for some pain you have in your neck.

The other thing is are you maybe doing more exercise or movement now that you are not under the influence of weed? just you might have got a strain from that?

Whatever it is you are in my prayers and hope your neck stops feeling stiff soon :)
Yes, defo doing a bit more also so perhaps thats a good call! And thankyou for your thought and prayers thats so kind.
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